Author: Patricia Wright


Patricia Wright is a behavioral scientist interested in how information design can support communication between organizations and the general public, both for printed and electronic information. After earning a PhD at University College in London, Wright joined the Medical Research Council\'s Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge, England. Then, in 1998, she moved to Cardiff University in Wales, to explore the design of health information and multimedia documents. Recent topics of interest have included personal IT aids for people with memory problems, and the uses of audio when providing information for older people. Wright appears in many publications, is a member of the editorial boards of several journals, is a fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (U.K.) and an honorary fellow of the Society for Technical Communication (U.S.). This year, Wright received the Goldsmith Award for Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Communication from the Professional Communication Society of the IEEE


Publication period start: 1998
Number of co-authors: 6


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Randall H. Trigg
Robert Milroy
Ann Lickorish

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
John A. Waterworth
Randall H. Trigg
Norbert A. Streitz


Wright, Patricia (1998): Designing Information-Supported Performance: The Scope for Graphics. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 22 (4) pp. 3-10.

Wright, Patricia (1995): Reading Strategies, Mental Models, and Text Design. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 19 (3) pp. 38-45.

Wright, Patricia, Lickorish, Ann (1994): Menus and Memory Load: Navigation Strategies in Interactive Search Tasks. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 40 (6) pp. 965-1008.

Wright, Patricia, Lickorish, Ann, Milroy, Robert (1994): Remembering While Mousing: The Cognitive Costs of Mouse Clicks. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 26 (1) pp. 41-45.

Wright, Patricia (1992): "Hypertext in Context," by C. McKnight, A. Dillon, and J. Richardson. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 37 (3) pp. 387-393.

Wright, Patricia (1991): Cognitive Overheads and Prostheses: Some Issues in Evaluating Hypertexts. In: Walker, Jan (eds.) Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 91 Conference December 15-18, 1991, San Antonio, Texas. pp. 1-12.

Streitz, Norbert A., Walker, Janet H., Waterworth, John A., Wright, Patricia, Trigg, Randall H. (1990): What's Specific about User-Interfaces for Hypertext Systems?. In: Rizk, Antoine, Streitz, Norbert A., Andre, Jacques (eds.) ECHT 90 - European Conference on Hypertext November 27-30, 1990, Versailles, France. pp. 354-361.

Wright, Patricia (1989): Interface Alternatives for Hypertexts. In Hypermedia, 1 (2) pp. 146-166.

Wright, Patricia (1983): Manual Dexterity: A User-Oriented Approach to Creating Computer Documentation. In: Smith, Raoul N., Pew, Richard W., Janda, Ann (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 83 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conferenc December 12-15, 1983, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. pp. 11-18.

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