A Fully GPU-Implemented Rigid Body Simulator

GRAPP - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
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The International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP) aims at becoming a major point of contact between researchers, engineers and practitioners in Computer Graphics. GRAPP is a component conference of visigrapp.org

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Zheng, Yue, Hicks, Yulia, Marshall, David, Cosker, Darren (2008): Generating Human Interactive Behaviours Using the Windowed Viterbi Algorithm. In: Monte, Álvaro del, Torres, Roberto, Martín, Pedro J., Gavilanes, Antonio (eds.) A Fully GPU-Implemented Rigid Body Simulator , 2008, . pp. 353-358.

Steinicke, Frank, Mensmann, Jorg, Hinrichs, Klaus, Buhr, Jan de, Rothaus, Kai, Krüger, Antonio (2008): Augmenting 3D City Models with Visualization of Real-Time Meteorological Phenomena. In: Monte, Álvaro del, Torres, Roberto, Martín, Pedro J., Gavilanes, Antonio (eds.) A Fully GPU-Implemented Rigid Body Simulator , 2008, . pp. 359-366.

Boeck, Joan De, Raymaekers, Chris, Coninx, Karin (2008): A Tool Supporting Model Based User Interface Design in 3D Virtual Enviroments. In: Monte, Álvaro del, Torres, Roberto, Martín, Pedro J., Gavilanes, Antonio (eds.) A Fully GPU-Implemented Rigid Body Simulator , 2008, . pp. 367-375.

Makris, Lambros, Karatzoulis, Nikolaos, Tzovaras, Dimitrios, Bekiaris, Evangelos (2008): A DIYD (Do it Yourself Design) System for Vehicle Design Based on 3D Visualization and Ont. In: Monte, Álvaro del, Torres, Roberto, Martín, Pedro J., Gavilanes, Antonio (eds.) A Fully GPU-Implemented Rigid Body Simulator , 2008, . pp. 376-382.

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