ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation

ACM Press
SIGDOC - ACM Conference on Design of Communications - formerly ACM Conference on Systems Documentation
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SIGDOC is the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group (SIG) on the Design of Communication (DOC). Until 2003, SIGDOC focused on documentation for hardware and software. With the shift in focus from documentation to the "design of communication," SIGDOC better positioned itself to emphasize the potentials, the practices, and the problems of multiple kinds of communication technologies, such as web applications, user interfaces, and on-line and print documentation.

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Bolter, Jay David (1993): Writing on the World: The Role of Symbolic Communication in Graphic Computer Environments. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 1-9.

Heinrichs, Bernd, Jakobs, Kai (1993): OSI Communication Services Supporting CSCW Applications. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 107-115.

Akscyn, Robert, McCracken, Donald (1993): PLEXUS: A Hypermedia Architecture for Large-Scale Digital Libraries. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 11-20.

Holtzman, Jeffrey K. (1993): Ready. Fire!! Aim??? Visualization, Manifesto, Scenarios, and Requirements for the Future . In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 117-134.

House, Carla, Quon, Dennis (1993): An On-Line Communication Print Service for the Demanding Client. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 135-139.

Hutchinson, Michelle, Rockley, Ann (1993): An Integrated Solution. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 141-147.

Kazman, Rick, Kominek, John (1993): Information Organization in Multimedia Resources. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 149-162.

Keller, Rudolf K., Garg, Anurag, Tao, Tao (1993): HyperRef -- Online Support for Research Literature Assessment and Documentation. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 163-175.

Kirschen, Marilyn (1993): Online Documentation: Evolution Rather than Revolution. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 177-183.

Maioli, Cesare, Sola, Stefano, Vitali, Fabio (1993): Wide-Area Distribution Issues in Hypertext Systems. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 185-197.

McKellar, Jr. Elwin N., Dwyer, Ginger, LaJeunesse, Thomas, Liimatta, Jeffrey, Risdon, Diana (1993): An Interactive Online Process for Developing and Producing Policy and Procedure Documentat. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 199-207.

Mehlenbacher, Brad (1993): Software Usability: Choosing Appropriate Methods for Evaluating Online Systems and Documen. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 209-222.

Boyle, Craig, Teh, Swee Hor (1993): Multimedia Intelligent Documentation: Metadoc V. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 21-27.

Patrick, Angela, McGurgan, Andy (1993): One Proven Methodology for Designing Robust Online Help Systems. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 223-232.

Pesch, Roland H. (1993): GNU Info: A Decade of Hypertext Experience. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 233-240.

Powell, Douglas A., Ball, Norman R., Griffiths, Mansel W. (1993): Constructing Reality: A Comparative Analysis of Print Media Interpretations of Messages Re. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 241-257.

Quintana, Yuri, Kamel, Mohamed, McGeachy, Rob (1993): Formal Methods for Evaluating Information Retrieval in Hypertext Systems. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 259-272.

Rockley, Ann (1993): Putting Large Documents Online. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 273-281.

Saffer, Mimi, Stribling, Dee, Chavis, Jesse (1993): From Ground Zero to Multimedia Product Support: A Real World Example of a Phased Transitio. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 283-292.

Brown, H., Cole, F. C., Oxborrow, E. A. (1993): An Object-Oriented Toolkit for ODA and HyperODA. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 29-41.

Siemens, Ray (1993): Practical Content Analysis Techniques for Text-Retrieval in Large, Un-Tagged Text-Bases. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 293-299.

Sumita, Kazuo, Ono, Kenji, Miike, Seiji (1993): Document Structure Extraction for Interactive Document Retrieval Systems. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 301-310.

Tejani, T., Konstantinou, V., Morse, P. (1993): Postcards: Hypermedia for the Travel Industry. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 311-324.

Tilley, Scott R., Whitney, Michael J., Muller, Hausi A., Storey, Margaret-Anne D. (1993): Personalized Information Structures. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 325-337.

Traiger, Saul (1993): Hypertext Syllabi in Cognitive Science. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 339-344.

Tsuchida, Taiji, Abe, Hironobu, Sasaki, Mikio (1993): HyperFrame: A Hypermedia Framework for Integration of Engineering Applications. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 345-355.

Galt, Phyllis S., Jones, Susan B. (1993): Information Sharing: Collaborating Across the Networks. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 361-362.

Heinrichs, Bernd, Jakobs, Kai (1993): The Eurobridge Service Platform -- An Approach to Integrated Multimedia. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 363-365.

Kaplan, Lori E. (1993): Examples: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly and How to Identify Them at a Glance. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 367-368.

Praderio, Laura (1993): Working Alone: Finding Surrogate Coworkers on the Nets. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 369.

Quintana, Yuri, McGeachy, Rob, Kamel, Mohamed (1993): Information Retrieval from Hypertext Documents. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 371-372.

Sell, Leo (1993): The Heartbreak of Online Documentation; What\'s a Technical Communicator to Do?. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 373-374.

Singh, Sanjay (1993): The SIGDOC\'93 Electronic Mail File Server. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 375.

Tilley, Scott R., Whitney, Michael J., Muller, Hausi A., Storey, Margaret-Anne D. (1993): Personalized Information Structures. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 377-378.

Varney, Gordon (1993): Maintaining Document and Project Quality using Checklists. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 379.

Wiest, Carol, Lungu, Dov (1993): Multimedia: From Novice to Expert (Almost). In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 381-382.

Cahill, Tony, Hinchey, Michael G., Relihan, Liam (1993): Documents are Programs. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 43-55.

Camps, P., Jacob, M., Bazex, P., Bouysset, C. (1993): A Multimedia Server for Remote Training: STIM. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 57-63.

Ciarlone, Leonor (1993): Standards: How They Can Make or Break the Success of Your Electronic Documentation Project. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 65-70.

Comeau, Jean-Marie, Milton, Peter R. (1993): A Windows-Based Help, Tutorial and Documentation System. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 71-81.

Hailey, Victoria A. (1993): Integrating Documentation and Training via Multimedia. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 83-88.

Haramundanis, Kathy (1993): Learnability in Technical Communications. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 89-94.

Hartley, Roberta (1993): Guidelines for Multimedia Usage. In: ACM Eleventh International Conference on Systems Documentation , 1993, . pp. 95-106.

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