HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments

IEEE Computer Society
28-31 October
Auckland, New Zealand
VL-HCC - Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing
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The VL/HCC conference is the premier international forum for researchers and industrial practitioners to discuss the theory, applications and evaluation of technologies, visual and otherwise, that enhance the role of humans in the computing process. The conference was established in 1984 and aims to support the design, formalization, implementation, and evaluation of computing languages that are easier to learn, easier to use, and easier to understand by a broader group of people.

All years


Tanimoto, Steven L. (2003): Programming in a data factory. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 100-107.

Takahashi, Shin (2003): A browsing interface for exploring constraints in visualization rules. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 108-110.

Cinque, Luigi, Levialdi, Stefano, Malizia, Alessio, Rosa, Fabio De (2003): A visual query by example system for digital documents. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 111-113.

Jonsson, Torsten, Hamfelt, Andreas (2003): DAViLa -a domain adaptable visual language. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 114-116.

Bottoni, Paolo, Marsico, Maria De, Levialdi, Stefano, Ventriglia, Domenico (2003): Configurations and transitions in visual languages. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 117-119.

Hirakawa, Masahito, Kojima, Yuki, Yoshitaka, Atsuo (2003): Tmsparent interface: a seamless media space integrating the real and virtual worlds. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 120-122.

Dong, Jing, Yang, Sheng (2003): Visualizing design patterns with a UML profile. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 123-125.

Storrle, Harald (2003): Semantics of interactions in UML 2.0. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 129-136.

Lam, Vitus S. W., Padget, Julian A. (2003): Analyzing equivalences of UML statechart diagrams by structural congruence and open bisimu. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 137-144.

Küster, Jochen Malte, Heckel, Reiko, Engels, Gregor (2003): Defining and validating transformations of UML models. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 145-152.

Prabhakararao, Shrinu, Cook, Curtis R., Ruthruff, Joseph R., Creswick, Eugene, Main, M., Durham, Mike (2003): Strategies and behaviors of end-user programmers with interactive fault localization. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 15-22.

Kong, Jun, Mang, Kang (2003): Graph-based Consistency Checking in Spatial Information System. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 153-160.

Fish, Andrew, Flower, Jean, Howse, John (2003): A reading algorithm for constraint diagrams. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 161-168.

Aschenbrenner, Peter, Schürr, Andy (2003): Generating interactive animations from visual specifications. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 169-176.

Roubtsova, Ella E., Roubtsov, Serguei A. (2003): A human-centric tool for component design and reuse in the UML. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 177-179.

Shizuki, Buntarou, Yamada, Hideto, Iizuka, Kazuhisa, Tanaka, Jiro (2003): A unified approach for interpreting handwritten strokes using constraint multiset grammars. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 180-182.

Saber, Mahmoud A., Mirenkov, Nikolay N. (2003): A new visual specification of cellular automata-like systems. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 183-185.

Reiser, Renata Hax Sander, Costa, Antônio Carlos da Rocha, Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira, Cardoso, Marcos B. (2003): Specifying the geometric machine visual language. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 186-188.

Jin, Yan, Esser, Robert, Janneck, Jorn W. (2003): Analysis-oriented semantics definition of visual languages. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 189-191.

Wright, Timothy N., Cockburn, Andy (2003): A language and task-based taxonomy of programming environments. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 192-194.

Cassino, Rosanna, Tortora, Genny, Tucci, Maurizio, Vitiello, Giuliana (2003): SR-task grammars: a formal specification of human computer interaction for interactive vis. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 195-197.

Jang, Sung-Ho, Bang, Ki-Seok, Choi, Jin-Young (2003): SSR : Statechart with shared resources. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 198-200.

Brown, Darren, Burnett, Margaret M., Rothermel, Gregg, Fujita, Hamido, Negoro, Fumio (2003): Generalizing WYSIWYT visual testing to screen transition languages. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 203-210.

Lucia, Andrea De, Francese, Rita, Tortora, Genoveffa (2003): Deriving workflow enactment rules from UML activity diagrams: a case study. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 211-218.

Chen, Qi, Hosking, John G., Grundy, John C. (2003): An e-whiteboard application to support early design-stage sketching of UML diagrams. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 219-226.

Lahtinen, Samuel, Peltonen, Jari (2003): Enhancing usability of UML CASE-tools with speech recognition. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 227-235.

Rode, Jochen, Rosson, Mary Beth (2003): Programming at runtime: requirements and paradigms for nonprogrammer web application devel. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 23-30.

Romero, Pablo, Boulay, Benedict Du, Lutz, Rudi, Cox, Richard (2003): The effects of graphical and textual visualisations in multi-representational debugging en. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 236-238.

Naghshin, R., Seffah, Ahmed, Kline, Richard L. (2003): Cognitive wallithrough + personae = an empirical infrastructure for modeling software deve. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 239-241.

Chatley, Robert, Kramer, Jeff, Magee, Jeff, Uchitel, Sebastián (2003): Visual methods for web application design. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 242-244.

Gordon, Donald, Biddle, Robert, Noble, James, Tempero, Ewan D. (2003): A technology for lightweight web-based visual applications. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 245-247.

Taguchi, Mitsuhisa, Suzuki, Tetsuya, Tokuda, Takehiro (2003): A visual approach for generating server page type weh applications based on template metho. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 248-250.

Jamroendararasame, Kornkamol, Tokuda, Takehiro, Suzuki, Tetsuya (2003): A visual approach to development of web services providers/requestors. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 251-253.

Engels, Gregor, Sauer, Stefan, Neu, Bettina (2003): Integrating software engineering and user-centred design for multimedia software developme. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 254-256.

Shin, Jae Eun, Sutcliffe, Alistair G. (2003): Evaluating the effectiveness of a multimedia advisor tool. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 257-259.

Pereira, Maria João Varanda, Henriques, Pedro Rangel (2003): Visualization/animation of programs in Alma: obtaining different results. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 260-262.

Ohki, Mikio, Hosaka, Yasuo (2003): A program visualization tool for program comprehension. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 263-265.

Levy, Dalit (2003): Introducing computer science to educationally disadvantaged high school students -the Isra. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 269-270.

Ko, Andrew Jensen (2003): Preserving non-programmers\' motivation with error-prevention and debugging support tools. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 271-272.

Beckwith, Laura (2003): Gender HCI issues in end-user software engineering. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 273-274.

Johnson, Kayenda (2003): Effects of socio-economic status on interface metaphor use and computer performance. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 275-276.

Carlson, Adam (2003): Tools for ubiquitous assessment in discussion-based pedagogy. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 277-278.

Luxton, Anna Maria (2003): Ubiquitous web-based programming. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 279-280.

Prabhakararao, Shreenivasarao (2003): Bringing educational theory to end-user programming. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 281-282.

Shankar, Tara Rosenberger Shankar (2003): Intersections of literacy acquisition and programming. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 283-284.

Forte, Andrea (2003): Programming for communication: overcoming motivational barriers to computation for all. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 285-286.

Hatfield, David (2003): Fletch: web-based journalism as a bridge to technological literacy. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 287-288.

Abraham, Robin (2003): FoXQ -XQuery by forms. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 289-290.

Lei, Su Te (2003): Towards programming for the non-technical. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 291-292.

Sohn, Timothy (2003): Context-aware computing support for the educationally disadvantaged. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 293-294.

Czerwinski, Mary (2003): Human-computer interaction for large display surfaces. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 3.

Costabile, Maria Francesca, Fogli, Daniela, Fresta, Giuseppe, Mussio, Piero, Piccinno, Antonio (2003): Building environments for end-user development and tailoring. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 31-38.

Harada, Yasunori, Potter, Richard (2003): Fuzzy rewriting -soft program semantics for children. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 39-46.

Burry, Mark (2003): Antoni Gaudi\'s computational legacy. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 4.

Hundhausen, Christopher D., Vatrapu, Ravikiran, Wingstrom, Joshua (2003): End-user programming as translation: an experimental framework and study. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 47-49.

Harada, Yasunori, Potter, Richard (2003): Additional context for gentle-slope systems. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 50-52.

Sheehan, Robert (2003): Parallelism in the icicle programming environment. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 53-55.

Stoeckle, Hermann, Grundy, John C., Hosking, John G. (2003): Approaches to supporting software visual notation exchange. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 59-66.

Lohr, Klaus-Peter, Vratislavsky, André (2003): JAN -Java animation for program understanding. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 67-75.

Ko, Andrew Jensen, Myers, Brad A. (2003): Development and evaluation of a model of programming errors. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 7-14.

Bimonte, Sandro, Laurini, Robert, Ferrucci, Filomena, Polese, Giuseppe (2003): Prototype of a visual language for spatial data mining based on the \'miner trip\' metapho. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 76-83.

Qiu, Mei Kang, Song, Guang-Lei, Kong, Jun, Zhang, Kang (2003): Spatial graph grammars for web information transformation. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 84-91.

Pautasso, Cesare, Alonso, Gustavo (2003): Visual composition of web services. In: HCC 2003 - IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 28-31 October, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 92-99.

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