International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001

ACM Press
January 14-17
Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA
IUI - International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
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IUI is the annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community and serves as the principal international forum for reporting outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces.

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Allen, James, Ferguson, George, Stent, Amanda (2001): An Architecture for More Realistic Conversational Systems. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 1-8.

Leake, David, Birnbaum, Larry, Hammond, Kristian J., Marlow, Cameron, Yang, Hao (2001): An Integrated Interface for Proactive, Experience-Based Design Support. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 101-108.

Leake, David, Scherle, Ryan (2001): Towards Context-Based Search Engine Selection. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 109-112.

McGee, David R., Cohen, Philip R. (2001): Creating Tangible Interfaces by Augmenting Physical Objects with Multimodal Language. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 113-119.

Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Tullio, Joe (2001): Inferring Calendar Event Attendance. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 121-128.

Paiva, Ana, Machado, Isabel, Prada, Rui (2001): Heroes, Villains, Magicians, ...: Dramatis Personae in a Virtual Story Creation Environmen. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 129-136.

Blythe, Jim, Kim, Jihie, Ramachandran, Surya, Gil, Yolanda (2001): An Integrated Environment for Knowledge Acquisition. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 13-20.

Riedl, Mark O. (2001): A Computational Model and Classification Framework for Social Navigation. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 137-144.

Shearin, Sybil, Lieberman, Henry (2001): Intelligent Profiling by Example. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 145-151.

Amant, Robert St., Healey, Christopher G., Riedl, Mark O., Kocherlakota, Sarat, Pegram, David A., Torhola, Mika (2001): Intelligent Visualization in a Planning Simulation. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 153-159.

Szekely, Pedro, Rogers, Craig Milo, Frank, Martin (2001): Interfaces for Understanding Multi-Agent Behavior. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 161-166.

Bohnenberger, Thorsten, Jameson, Anthony (2001): When Policies are Better than Plans: Decision-Theoretic Planning of Recommendation Sequenc. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 21-24.

Butz, Andreas, Baus, Jorg, Kruger, Antonio, Lohse, Marco (2001): A Hybrid Indoor Navigation System. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 25-32.

Claypool, Mark, Le, Phong, Wased, Makoto, Brown, David (2001): Implicit Interest Indicators. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 33-40.

Conati, Cristina, VanLehn, Kurt (2001): Providing Adaptive Support to the Understanding of Instructional Material. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 41-47.

Crossen, Andrew, Budzik, Jay, Warner, Mason, Birnbaum, Larry, Hammond, Kristian J. (2001): XLibris: An Automated Library Research Assistant. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 49-52.

Davies, Jim R., Gertner, Abigail S., Lesh, Neal, Rich, Charles, Sidner, Candace, Rickel, Jeff (2001): Incorporating Tutorial Strategies Into an Intelligent Assistant. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 53-56.

Derthick, Mark, Roth, Steven F. (2001): Example Based Generation of Custom Data Analysis Appliances. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 57-64.

Goren-Bar, Dina, Kuflik, Tsvi, Lavie, Tali (2001): What do Users Prefer?: A Personalized Intelligent User Interface for Searching Information. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 65-68.

Eisenstein, Jacob, Vanderdonckt, Jean M., Puerta, Angel R. (2001): Applying Model-Based Techniques to the Development of UIs for Mobile Computers. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 69-76.

Forbus, Kenneth D., Ferguson, Ronald W., Usher, Jeffrey (2001): Towards a Computational Model of Sketching. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 77-83.

Frank, Martin, Muslea, Maria, Oh, Jean, Minton, Steve, Knoblock, Craig A. (2001): An Intelligent User Interface for Mixed-Initiative Multi-Source Travel Planning. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 85-86.

Geisler, Ben, Ha, Vu, Haddawy, Peter (2001): Modeling User Preferences via Theory Refinement. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 87-90.

Bares, William, Kim, Byungwoo (2001): Generating Virtual Camera Compositions. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 9-12.

Glance, Natalie S. (2001): Community Search Assistant. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 91-96.

Huang, Lieming, Ulrich, Thiel, Hemmje, Matthias, Neuhold, Erich (2001): Adaptively Constructing the Query Interface for Meta-Search Engines. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 January 14-17, 2001, Sanata Fe, New Mexico, USA. pp. 97-100.

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