Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces

IUI - International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
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IUI is the annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community and serves as the principal international forum for reporting outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces.

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Park, Jaeyoung, Kim, Kee-Eung, Jo, Sungho (2010): A POMDP approach to P300-based brain-computer interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 1-10.

Church, Karen, Neumann, Joachim, Cherubini, Mauro, Oliver, Nuria (2010): SocialSearchBrowser: a novel mobile search and information discovery tool. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 101-110.

Hurst, Amy, Hudson, Scott E., Mankoff, Jennifer (2010): Automatically identifying targets users interact with during real world tasks. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 11-20.

Gunawardana, Asela, Paek, Tim, Meek, Christopher (2010): Usability guided key-target resizing for soft keyboards. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 111-118.

Jiang, Yingying, Tian, Feng, Wang, Hongan, Zhang, Xiaolong, Wang, Xugang, Dai, Guozhong (2010): Intelligent understanding of handwritten geometry theorem proving. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 119-128.

Hui, Pui-Yu, Lo, Wai-Kit, Meng, Helen (2010): Usage patterns and latent semantic analyses for task goal inference of multimodal user int. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 129-138.

Nakano, Yukiko I., Ishii, Ryo (2010): Estimating user's engagement from eye-gaze behaviors in human-agent conversations. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 139-148.

Liu, Qiong, Liao, Chunyuan, Wilcox, Lynn, Dunnigan, Anthony, Liew, Bee (2010): Embedded media markers: marks on paper that signify associated media. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 149-158.

Liu, Shenwei, Tajima, Keishi (2010): WildThumb: a web browser supporting efficient task management on wide displays. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 159-168.

Mahmud, Jalal, Lau, Tessa (2010): Lowering the barriers to website testing with CoTester. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 169-178.

KcNally, Kevin, O'Mahony, Michael P., Smyth, Barry, Coyle, Maurice, Briggs, Peter (2010): Towards a reputation-based model of social web search. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 179-188.

Girgensohn, Andreas, Shipman, Frank, Chen, Francine, Wilcox, Lynn (2010): DocuBrowse: faceted searching, browsing, and recommendations in an enterprise context. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 189-198.

Fu, Wai-Tat, Kannampallil, Thomas G., Kang, Ruogu (2010): Facilitating exploratory search by model-based navigational cues. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 199-208.

Bergman, Lawrence, Lu, Jie, Konuru, Ravi, MacNaught, Julie, Yeh, Danny (2010): Outline wizard: presentation composition and search. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 209-218.

Legaspi, Roberto, Fukui, Ken-ichi, Moriyama, Koichi, Kurihara, Satoshi, Numao, Masayuki, Suarez, Merlin (2010): Addressing the problems of data-centric physiology-affect relations modeling. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 21-30.

Gross, Paul A., Herstand, Micah S., Hodges, Jordana W., Kelleher, Caitlin L. (2010): A code reuse interface for non-programmer middle school students. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 219-228.

Ruiz, Jaime, Lank, Edward (2010): Speeding pointing in tiled widgets: understanding the effects of target expansion and misp. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 229-238.

Cao, Yujia, Mahr, Angela, Castronovo, Sandro, Theune, Mariët, Stahl, Christoph, Müller, Christian A. (2010): Local danger warnings for drivers: the effect of modality and level of assistance on drive. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 239-248.

Amin, Alia, Hildebrand, Michiel, Ossenbruggen, Jacco van, Hardman, Lynda (2010): Designing a thesaurus-based comparison search interface for linked cultural heritage sourc. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 249-258.

Rosenthal, Stephanie L., Dey, Anind K. (2010): Towards maximizing the accuracy of human-labeled sensor data. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 259-268.

Balagtas-Fernandez, Florence, Tafelmayer, Max, Hussmann, Heinrich (2010): Mobia Modeler: easing the creation process of mobile applications for non-technical users. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 269-272.

Berkovsky, Shlomo, Coombe, Mac, Helmer, Richard (2010): Activity interface for physical activity motivating games. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 273-276.

Biswas, Pradipta, Robinson, Peter (2010): Evaluating the design of inclusive interfaces by simulation. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 277-280.

Brdiczka, Oliver, Su, Norman Makoto, Begole, James Bo (2010): Temporal task footprinting: identifying routine tasks by their temporal patterns. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 281-284.

Brdiczka, Oliver (2010): From documents to tasks: deriving user tasks from document usage patterns. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 285-288.

Cheema, Salman, LaViola, Joseph J. (2010): Towards intelligent motion inferencing in mathematical sketching. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 289-292.

Chen, Jiajian, Xiao, Jun, Gao, Yuli (2010): iSlideShow: a content-aware slideshow system. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 293-296.

Chen, Li (2010): Social influence of product popularity on consumer decisions: usability study of Flickr ca. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 297-300.

Chi, Pei-Yu, Lieberman, Henry (2010): Raconteur: from intent to stories. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 301-304.

Creswick, Eugene R., Novstrup, Aaron M. (2010): Error-tolerant version space algebra. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 305-308.

Dim, Eyal, Kuflik, Tsvi (2010): Social signal processing: detecting small group interaction in leisure activity. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 309-312.

Liu, Jiahui, Dolan, Peter, Pedersen, Elin Rønby (2010): Personalized news recommendation based on click behavior. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 31-40.

Dong, Wei, Fu, Wai-Tat (2010): Toward a cultural-sensitive image tagging interface. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 313-316.

Felfernig, Alexander, Mandl, Monika, Tiihonen, Juha, Schubert, Monika, Leitner, Gerhard (2010): Personalized user interfaces for product configuration. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 317-320.

Freyne, Jill, Berkovsky, Shlomo (2010): Intelligent food planning: personalized recipe recommendation. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 321-324.

Han, Yong-Jin, Noh, Tae-Gil, Park, Seong-Bae, Park, Se Young, Lee, Sang-Jo (2010): A natural language interface of thorough coverage by concordance with knowledge bases. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 325-328.

Kang, Ruogu, Fu, Wai-Tat (2010): Exploratory information search by domain experts and novices. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 329-332.

Khawaja, M. Asif, Chen, Fang, Marcus, Nadine (2010): Using language complexity to measure cognitive load for adaptive interaction design. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 333-336.

Kimani, Stephen, Berkovsky, Shlomo, Smith, Greg, Freyne, Jill, Baghaei, Nilufar, Bhandari, Dipak (2010): Activity awareness in family-based healthy living online social networks. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 337-340.

Kratz, Sven, Rohs, Michael (2010): A $3 gesture recognizer: simple gesture recognition for devices equipped with 3D accelerat. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 341-344.

Li, Shanqing, Jia, Yunde (2010): A multimodal labeling interface for wearable computing. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 345-348.

Mahmud, Jalal, Huang, Yun-Wu, Ponzo, John, Pollak, Roger (2010): Avara: a system to improve user experience in web and virtual world. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 349-352.

Mao, Yuqing, Shen, Haifeng, Sun, Chengzheng (2010): Supporting exploratory information seeking by epistemology-based social search. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 353-356.

Martino, Mauro, Calabrese, Francesco, Lorenzo, Giusy Di, Andris, Clio, Liang, Liu, Ratti, Carlo (2010): Ocean of information: fusing aggregate & individual dynamics for metropolitan analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 357-360.

Nikolova, Sonya, Ma, Xiaojuan, Tremaine, Marilyn M., Cook, Perry (2010): Vocabulary navigation made easier. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 361-364.

Pang, Wai-Man (2010): An intuitive texture picker. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 365-368.

Pedersen, Elin Rønby, Gyllstrom, Karl, Gu, Shengyin, Hong, Peter Jin (2010): Automatic generation of research trails in web history. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 369-372.

Serrano, Nicolás, Sanchis, Albert, Juan, Alfons (2010): Balancing error and supervision effort in interactive-predictive handwriting recognition. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 373-376.

Smith, Dustin A., Lieberman, Henry (2010): The why UI: using goal networks to improve user interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 377-380.

Sonntag, Daniel, Moller, Manuel (2010): A multimodal dialogue mashup for medical image semantics. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 381-384.

Speer, Robert H., Havasi, Catherine, Treadway, K. Nichole, Lieberman, Henry (2010): Finding your way in a multi-dimensional semantic space with luminoso. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 385-388.

Vallet, David, Halvey, Martin, Hannah, David, Jose, Joemon M. (2010): A multi faceted recommendation approach for explorative video retrieval tasks. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 389-392.

Schooten, Boris W. van, Dijk, Betsy M. A. G. van, Nijholt, Anton, Reiber, Johan H. C. (2010): Evaluating automatic warning cues for visual search in vascular images. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 393-396.

Waldner, Manuela, Pirchheim, Christian, Kruijff, Ernst, Schmalstieg, Dieter (2010): Automatic configuration of spatially consistent mouse pointer navigation in multi-display . In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 397-400.

Berger, Arne (2010): User interface for filtering videos interconnecting high level and intellectual metadata. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 401-402.

Berkovsky, Shlomo, Coombe, Mac, Freyne, Jill, Bhandari, Dipak (2010): Isn't it great?: you can PLAY, MATE!. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 403-404.

Burel, Grégoire, Cano, Amparo Elizabeth (2010): Understanding web documents using semantic overlays. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 405-406.

Elahi, Mehdi (2010): Context-aware intelligent recommender system. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 407-408.

Freyne, Jill, Bhandari, Dipak, Berkovsky, Shlomo, Borlyse, Lyle, Campbell, Chris, Chau, Steve (2010): Mobile mentor: weight management platform. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 409-410.

Park, Souneil, Lee, SangJeong, Song, Junehwa (2010): Aspect-level news browsing: understanding news events from multiple viewpoints. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 41-50.

Goto, Jun, Sumiyoshi, Hideki, Miyazaki, Masaru, Tanaka, Hideki, Shibata, Masahiro, Aizawa, Akiko (2010): Relevant TV program retrieval using broadcast summaries. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 411-412.

Ketabdar, Hamed, Yüksel, Kamer Ali, Roshandel, Mehran (2010): MagiTact: interaction with mobile devices based on compass (magnetic) sensor. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 413-414.

Ketabdar, Hamed, Yüksel, Kamer Ali (2010): Smart ring: controlling call alert functionality based on audio and movement analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 415-416.

Ketabdar, Hamed, Lyra, Matti (2010): ActivityMonitor: assisted life using mobile phones. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 417-418.

Kratz, Sven, Rohs, Michael (2010): The $3 recognizer: simple 3D gesture recognition on mobile devices. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 419-420.

Lohmann, Steffen, Heim, Philipp, Stegemann, Timo, Ziegler, Jürgen (2010): The RelFinder user interface: interactive exploration of relationships between objects of . In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 421-422.

Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel, Leiva, Luis A., Alabau, Vicent, Casacuberta, Francisco (2010): Interactive machine translation using a web-based architecture. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 423-424.

Rhienmora, Phattanapon, Gajananan, Kugamoorthy, Haddawy, Peter, Suebnukarn, Siriwan, Dailey, Matthew N., Supataratarn, Ekarin, Shrestha, Poonam (2010): Haptic augmented reality dental trainer with automatic performance assessment. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 425-426.

Smeddinck, Jan, Wajda, Kamila, Naveed, Adeel, Touma, Leen, Chen, Yuting, Hasan, Muhammad Abu, Latif, Muhammad Waqas, Porzel, Robert (2010): QuickWoZ: a multi-purpose wizard-of-oz framework for experiments with embodied conversatio. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 427-428.

Yu, Han, Cai, Yundong, Shen, Zhiqi, Tao, Xuehong, Miao, Chunyan (2010): Agents as intelligent user interfaces for the net generation. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 429-430.

Andre, Elisabeth, Chai, Joyce Y. (2010): Workshop: eye gaze in intelligent human machine interaction. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 431-432.

Guy, Ido, Chen, Li, Zhou, Michelle X. (2010): Workshop on social recommender systems. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 433-434.

Handschuh, Siegfried, Heath, Tom, Thai, VinhTuan, Dickinson, Ian, Aroyo, Lora, Presutti, Valentina (2010): Visual interfaces to the social and semantic web (VISSW 2010). In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 435-436.

Hussein, Tim, Lukosch, Stephan G., Ziegler, Juergen, Dix, Alan J. (2010): 1st international workshop on semantic models for adaptive interactive systems (SEMAIS 201. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 437-438.

Liu, Shixia, Zhou, Michelle X., Carenini, Giuseppe, Qu, Huamin (2010): Workshop on intelligent visual interfaces for text analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 439-440.

Feld, Michael, Müller, Christian A., Schwartz, Tim (2010): 2nd multimodal interfaces for automotive applications (MIAA 2010). In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 441-442.

Ehara, Yo, Shimizu, Nobuyuki, Ninomiya, Takashi, Nakagawa, Hiroshi (2010): Personalized reading support for second-language web documents by collective intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 51-60.

Faulring, Andrew, Myers, Brad A., Mohnkern, Ken, Schmerl, Bradley, Steinfeld, Aaron, Zimmerman, John, Smailagic, Asim, Hansen, Jeffery, Siewiorek, Daniel (2010): Agent-assisted task management that reduces email overload. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 61-70.

Krzywicki, Alfred, Wobcke, Wayne, Wong, Anna (2010): An adaptive calendar assistant using pattern mining for user preference modelling. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 71-80.

Iacobelli, Francisco, Birnbaum, Larry, Hammond, Kristian J. (2010): Tell me more, not just "more of the same. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 81-90.

Baur, Dominikus, Boring, Sebastian, Butz, Andreas (2010): Rush: repeated recommendations on mobile devices. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 91-100.

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