Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia

ACM Press
HyperText - ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
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The Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia brings together scholars, researchers, and practitioners from diverse disciplines to consider the form, role and impact of hypertext and hypermedia in a forum of discussion of ideas, design and use of hypertext and hypermedia in a variety of domains. The conference also considers the transformative power of hypermedia and its ability to alter the way we read, write, argue, work, exchange information and entertain ourselves.

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Huberman, Bernardo (2008): Social dynamics in the age of the web. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 1-2.

Stefanone, Michael A., Lackaff, Derek, Rosen, Devan (2008): We\'re all stars now: reality television, web 2.0, and mediated identities. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 107-112.

Kolb, David A. (2008): Making revisions hyper-visible. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 113-116.

Kolak, Okan, Schilit, Bill N. (2008): Generating links by mining quotations. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 117-126.

Lakkaraju, Praveen, Gauch, Susan, Speretta, Mirco (2008): Document similarity based on concept tree distance. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 127-132.

Zhou, Dong, Truran, Mark, Brailsford, Tim, Ashman, Helen, Pourabdollah, Amir (2008): Llama-b: automatic hyperlink authoring in the blogosphere. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 133-138.

Lee, Hyun Chul, Borodin, Allan, Goldsmith, Leslie (2008): Extracting and ranking viral communities using seeds and content similarity. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 139-148.

Markines, Benjamin, Roinestad, Heather, Menczer, Filippo (2008): Efficient assembly of social semantic networks. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 149-156.

Albertsen, Johannes, Bouvin, Niels Olof (2008): User defined structural searches in mediawiki. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 15-20.

Krause, Beate, Jäschke, Robert, Hotho, Andreas, Stumme, Gerd (2008): Logsonomy -- social information retrieval with logdata. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 157-166.

Lawless, Séamus, Hederman, Lucy, Wade, Vincent (2008): Enhancing access to open corpus educational content: learning in the wild. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 167-174.

Hansen, Frank Allan, Groenbaek, Kaj (2008): Social web applications in the city: a lightweight infrastructure for urban computing. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 175-180.

Gaffney, Conor, Dagger, Declan, Wade, Vincent (2008): A survey of soft skill simulation authoring tools. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 181-186.

Bolchini, Davide, Garzotto, Franca, Paolini, Paolo (2008): Investigating success factors for hypermedia development tools. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 187-192.

Bateman, Scott, Gutwin, Carl, Nacenta, Miguel A. (2008): Seeing things in the clouds: the effect of visual features on tag cloud selections. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 193-202.

Farzan, Rosta, Brusilovsky, Peter (2008): Where did the researchers go?: supporting social navigation at a large academic. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 203-212.

Ankolekar, Anupriya, Vrandecic, Denny (2008): Kalpana -- enabling client-side web personalization. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 21-26.

Donaldson, Justin J., Conover, Michael, Markines, Benjamin, Roinestad, Heather, Menczer, Filippo (2008): Visualizing social links in exploratory search. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 213-218.

Bravo, Javier, Vialardi, Cesar, Ortigosa, Alvaro (2008): Asquare: a powerful evaluation tool for adaptive hypermedia course system. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 219-220.

Cena, Federica, Carmagnola, Francesca, Cortassa, Omar, Gena, Cristina, Wang, Yiwen, Stash, Natalia, Aroyo, Lora (2008): Tag interoperability in cultural web-based applications. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 221-222.

Diniz, Madson G. (2008): EFL and hypertext: using webquests to maximize English teaching. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 223-224.

Heo, Misook, Yi, Myongho (2008): An empirical study of the learning effect of an ontology-driven information system. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 225-226.

Hogg, Tad, Szabo, Gabor (2008): Diversity of online community activities. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 227-228.

Hsiao, I-Han, Li, Qi, Lin, Yi-Ling (2008): Educational social linking in example authoring. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 229-230.

Ketterl, Markus, Emden, Johannes, Brunstein, Jorg (2008): Social selected learning content out of web lectures. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 231-232.

Kim, Jae-Kyung, Farzan, Rosta, Brusilovsky, Peter (2008): Spatial annotation and social navigation support for electronic books. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 233-234.

Panisson, André, Ruffo, Giancarlo, Schifanella, Rossano (2008): X-hinter: a framework for implementing social oriented recommender systems. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 235-236.

Papagelis, Athanasios, Papagelis, Manos, Zaroliagis, Christos (2008): Iclone: towards online social navigation. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 237-238.

Pilgrim, Chris J. (2008): Improving the usability of Web 2.0 applications. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 239-240.

Pourabdollah, Amir, Ashman, Helen, Brailsford, Tim (2008): Are we talking about the same structure?: a unified approach to hypertext links, xml, rdf . In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 241-242.

Rubart, Jessica (2008): Hypermedia design patterns. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 243-244.

Tomsa, Marek, Bielikova, Maria (2008): Hyperlinks visualization using social bookmarking. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 245-246.

Vaisenberg, Ronen, Satish, Arjun, Mogensen, Keith A., Jain, Ramesh, Mehrotra, Sharad (2008): A new approach for adding browser functionality. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 247-248.

Vuillemot, Romain, Rumpler, Béatrice (2008): Mapping visualization on-demand onto a virtual globe: an appealing complement to browser-b. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 249-250.

Wang, Weigang (2008): Powermeeting: gwt-based synchronous groupware. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 251-252.

Yalcin, Senom T. (2008): Writing on the blog: an assemblage analysis. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 253-254.

Yudelson, Michael, Goreva, Natalya (2008): Providing social navigation within annotated examples. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 255-256.

Petersen, Rasmus Rosenqyist, Wiil, Uffe Kock (2008): ASAP: a planning tool for agile software development. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 27-32.

Kleinberg, Jon M. (2008): Link structures, information flow, and social processes. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 3-4.

Szomszor, Martin N., Cantador, Iván, Alani, Harith (2008): Correlating user profiles from multiple folksonomies. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 33-42.

Golder, Scott (2008): Measuring social networks with digital photograph collections. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 43-48.

Choudhury, Munmun De, Sundaram, Hari, John, Ajita, Seligmann, Dorée (2008): Dynamic prediction of communication flow using social context. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 49-54.

Choudhury, Munmun De, Sundaram, Hari, John, Ajita, Seligmann, Doree Duncan (2008): Dynamic prediction of communication flow using social context. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 49-54.

Jatowt, Adam, Kawai, Yukiko, Ohshima, Hiroaki, Tanaka, Katsumi (2008): What can history tell us?: towards different models of interaction with document histories. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 5-14.

Choudhury, Munmun De, Sundaram, Hari, John, Ajita, Seligmann, Doree Duncan (2008): Can blog communication dynamics be correlated with stock market activity?. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 55-60.

Shi, Xiaolin, Bonner, Matthew, Adamic, Lada A., Gilbert, Anna C. (2008): The very small world of the well-connected. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 61-70.

Dellschaft, Klaas, Staab, Steffen (2008): An epistemic dynamic model for tagging systems. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 71-80.

Chi, Ed H., Mytkowicz, Todd (2008): Understanding the efficiency of social tagging systems using information theory. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 81-88.

Kolb, David A. (2008): The revenge of the page. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 89-96.

Recuero, Raquel da Cunha (2008): Information flows and social capital in weblogs: a case study in the Brazilian blogosphere. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 97-106.

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