UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference

September 17-21
Orange County, CA, USA
UbiComp - International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
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Ubicomp is the premier outlet for novel research contributions that advance the state of the art in the design, development, deployment, evaluation and understanding of ubiquitous computing systems. Ubicomp is an interdisciplinary field of research and development that utilizes and integrates pervasive, wireless, embedded, wearable and/or mobile technologies to bridge the gaps between the digital and physical worlds.

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Aipperspach, Ryan, Rattenbury, Tye, Woodruff, Allison, Canny, John F. (2006): A Quantitative Method for Revealing and Comparing Places in the Home. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 1-18. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_1

Kurniawan, Sri (2006): An Exploratory Study of How Older Women Use Mobile Phones. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 105-122. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_7

Patel, Shwetak N., Kientz, Julie A., Hayes, Gillian R., Bhat, Sooraj, Abowd, Gregory D. (2006): Farther Than You May Think: An Empirical Investigation of the Proximity of Users to Their . In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 123-140. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_8

Bell, Genevieve (2006): No More SMS from Jesus: Ubicomp, Religion and Techno-spiritual Practices. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 141-158. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_9

Matthews, Tara, Carter, Scott, Pai, Carol, Fong, Janette, Mankoff, Jennifer (2006): Scribe4Me: Evaluating a Mobile Sound Transcription Tool for the Deaf. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 159-176. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_10

Hodges, Steve, Williams, Lyndsay, Berry, Emma, Izadi, Shahram, Srinivasan, James, Butler, Alex, Smyth, Gavin, Kapur, Narinder, Wood, Kenneth R. (2006): SenseCam: A Retrospective Memory Aid. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 177-193. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_11

Davidoff, Scott, Lee, Min Kyung, Yiu, Charles, Zimmerman, John, Dey, Anind K. (2006): Principles of Smart Home Control. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 19-34. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_2

Friedman, Batya, Smith, Ian E., Jr., Peter H. Kahn, Consolvo, Sunny, Selawski, Jaina (2006): Development of a Privacy Addendum for Open Source Licenses: Value Sensitive Design in Indu. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 194-211. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_12

Sohn, Timothy, Varshavsky, Alex, LaMarca, Anthony, Chen, Mike Y., Choudhury, Tanzeem, Smith, Ian E., Consolvo, Sunny, Hightower, Jeffrey, Griswold, William G., Lara, Eyal de (2006): Mobility Detection Using Everyday GSM Traces. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 212-224. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_13

Chen, Mike Y., Sohn, Timothy, Chmelev, Dmitri, Hähnel, Dirk, Hightower, Jeffrey, Hughes, Jeff, LaMarca, Anthony, Potter, Fred, Smith, Ian E., Varshavsky, Alex (2006): Practical Metropolitan-Scale Positioning for GSM Phones. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 225-242. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_14

Krumm, John, Horvitz, Eric (2006): Predestination: Inferring Destinations from Partial Trajectories. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 243-260. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_15

Lin, James J., Mamykina, Lena, Lindtner, Silvia, Delajoux, Gregory, Strub, Henry B. (2006): Fish\'n\'Steps: Encouraging Physical Activity with an Interactive Computer Game. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 261-278. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_16

Drozd, Adam, Benford, Steve, Tandavanitj, Nick, Wright, Michael, Chamberlain, Alan (2006): Hitchers: Designing for Cellular Positioning. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 279-296. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_17

Nawyn, Jason, Intille, Stephen S., Larson, Kent (2006): Embedding Behavior Modification Strategies into a Consumer Electronic Device: A Case Study. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 297-314. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_18

O'Neill, Eamonn, Kostakos, Vassilis, Kindberg, Tim, Schieck, Ava Fatah gen., Penn, Alan, Fraser, Danae Stanton, Jones, Tim (2006): Instrumenting the City: Developing Methods for Observing and Understanding the Digital Cit. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 315-332. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_19

Froehlich, Jon, Chen, Mike Y., Smith, Ian E., Potter, Fred (2006): Voting with Your Feet: An Investigative Study of the Relationship Between Place Visit Beha. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 333-350. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_20

Wyche, Susan, Sengers, Phoebe, Grinter, Rebecca E. (2006): Historical Analysis: Using the Past to Design the Future. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 35-51. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_3

Axup, Jeff, Viller, Stephen, MacColl, Ian, Cooper, Roslyn (2006): Lo-Fi Matchmaking: A Study of Social Pairing for Backpackers. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 351-368. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_21

Bardram, Jakob E., Hansen, Thomas Riisgaard, Mogensen, Martin, Soegaard, Mads (2006): Experiences from Real-World Deployment of Context-Aware Technologies in a Hospital Environ. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 369-386. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_22

Hope, Tom, Hamasaki, Masahiro, Matsuo, Yutaka, Nakamura, Yoshiyuki, Fujimura, Noriyuki, Nishimura, Takuichi (2006): Doing Community: Co-construction of Meaning and Use with Interactive Information Kiosks. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 387-403. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_23

Rogers, Yvonne (2006): Moving on from Weiser\'s Vision of Calm Computing: Engaging UbiComp Experiences. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 404-421. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_24

Liu, Xiaotao, Corner, Mark D., Shenoy, Prashant J. (2006): Ferret: RFID Localization for Pervasive Multimedia. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 422-440. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_25

Patel, Shwetak N., Truong, Khai N., Abowd, Gregory D. (2006): PowerLine Positioning: A Practical Sub-Room-Level Indoor Location System for Domestic Use. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 441-458. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_26

Nishikawa, Hiroshi, Yamamoto, Shinya, Tamai, Morihiko, Nishigaki, Kouji, Kitani, Tomoya, Shibata, Naoki, Yasumoto, Keiichi, Ito, Minoru (2006): UbiREAL: Realistic Smartspace Simulator for Systematic Testing. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 459-476. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_27

Smetters, Diana K., Balfanz, Dirk, Durfee, Glenn, Smith, Trevor F., Lee, Kyung-Hee (2006): Instant Matchmaking: Simple and Secure Integrated Ubiquitous Computing Environments. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 477-494. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_28

Smith, Joshua R., Sample, Alanson P., Powledge, Pauline S., Roy, Sumit, Mamishev, Alexander (2006): A Wirelessly-Powered Platform for Sensing and Computation. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 495-506. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_29

Lysecky, Susan, Vahid, Frank (2006): Automated Application-Specific Tuning of Parameterized Sensor-Based Embedded System Buildi. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 507-524. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_30

Oppermann, Leif, Broll, Gregor, Capra, Mauricio, Benford, Steve (2006): Extending Authoring Tools for Location-Aware Applications with an Infrastructure Visualiza. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 52-68. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_4

Lysecky, Susan, Vahid, Frank (2006): Automated Generation of Basic Custom Sensor-Based Embedded Computing Systems Guided by End. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 69-86. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_5

Rukzio, Enrico, Leichtenstern, Karin, Callaghan, Victor, Holleis, Paul, Schmidt, Albrecht, Chin, Jeannette Shiaw-Yuan (2006): An Experimental Comparison of Physical Mobile Interaction Techniques: Touching, Pointing a. In: Dourish, Paul, Friday, Adrian (eds.) UbiComp 2006 Ubiquitous Computing - 8th International Conference September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, CA, USA. pp. 87-104. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11853565_6

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