April Coffee Break + UX Meetup (online, IxDF Boston)
Meetup Details
Once upon a time, we would regularly have casual meetups in local coffee shops. Until it's safe to do so again, we are having the virtual equivalent - the conversations and networking are just as good, but you do have to provide your own coffee or tea.
This online meetup will be a cozy, informal event for anyone interested in UX. Come chat with our local community of designers, researchers, and those who are just starting out. There is no formal agenda but topics typicality include how to learn and grow as a UXer, design trends, and tools, as well as careers in interaction design.
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 20, 6 - 7 PM.
Join the meeting:
Questions? Suggestions? Please feel free to post on the discussion board or reach out to me directly (kevinmartinmcgowan@gmail.com).