Conflict Resolution for Designers who Hate Conflict
Meetup Details
***This is a paid event. Please RSVP Here:
In partnership with Los Angeles User Experience Meetup (LAUX):
Conflict Resolution for Designers who Hate Conflict
Have you ever needed to have a tough conversation with a teammate who drastically overstepped or a client who didn't respect your decisions? Maybe you've wanted to bring up a problem you've had at work and don't know how. If the thought of having those conversations stress you out, this talk is for you.
In this talk, I’ll share some practical techniques will help overcome your aversion to conflict and get to effective resolutions. We’ll go over several examples of the types of conflict designers face and how to deal with them.
You’ll walk away with tools you can use immediately to clearly get your message across without you or the conversation going to pieces.
• How to prepare for a tough conversation
• How to know what you want out of a conversation before going into it
• How to make it safe to talk, even if it goes sideways
• How to get to the heart of the issue by asking the right questions
• How to know when to walk away
Facilitator: Josh Mauldin
Joshua Mauldin is a product designer who cares about typography, dad jokes, and making prototypes with as much humanity and curiosity as he can muster. Likes to pet dogs.
*Food & Drinks will be provided*
Thank you to our Sponsor: Pivotal Labs!
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
6:30PM to 9:00 PM
$5.00 per person
Pivotal Labs - 1333 2nd Street - Santa Monica
For more info about the event & to purchase tickets