Extending the invite to all groups for some social innovation workshops
Hosted by IxDF Cape Town
Jul 18th, 2022
7:00am - 8:00am
(UTC +02:00)
Online, https://zoom.us/j/94399274513?pwd=bmtUY3RtR3JKWWtBSkl4WEVWVDdWUT09, Centurion
10 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details
Hi IxDF Pretoria, let’s meet online and discuss UX!
The previous meeting was a bit short notice. So let me see if I can schedule something regularly every 2 weeks online for 45 minutes to an hour. (Time boxed :)
I am busy doing some social innovation work at my company and would like to test some ideas within the community.
So I will be online every two weeks on a Wednesday doing some collaboration work.
ps. We will always use this link…
Miro board: https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/aXYxVkYzZ3AyUVBJZWh6MnhudVFmUGVTOEpnY1dzdTBFVWVSUlB0MTBid0ZpSnh5NGVUTmhjNDk5SUpNU3VtOXwzMDc0NDU3MzQ2MzAyMjI5MjMx?share_link_id=456432634408