F8 2019 Highlights - Tech and UX Meetup
Meetup Details
Hi UX designers in Hyderabad! Let's meet to share our thoughts and experiences in designing great UX, and network with one another.
F8, Facebook’s annual developer conference, happened on the April 30 and May 1 in San Jose, CA.
if you missed watching it, experience the highlights of F8 and local F8 Meetup. We'll watch the updates, and also invite tech geeks to talk about the upcoming tech in the areas of ML/Bots, UX and AR-VR
For REGISTRATION click here
4:00PM – 4:30PM - Introductions and Context Setting with F8 Updates
4:30PM – 5:10 PM - Deep Dive in Machine Learning and Chat Bots
5:15PM– 5:50PM - Get your UX Right
6:00PM - 6:40 PM - Immersive Technologies for Future - Deep Dive in AR-VR
6:40PM - CLOSURE - Networking over Feast
Ladle Patel - Data Scientist, Genpact
Hrishikesh Deshmukh - Design Lead, ADP
Prem Kumar Vislawath - Founder - Virtual Raasta