#IXDD 2020 Sustainability Leadership
Meetup Details
Happy Interaction Design Day in advance!
We will celebrate Interaction Design Day together as a joint online event in Stockholm Län in parallel of the rest of Europe and the world. Enjoy applying for your free ticket below:
Our aim is to highlight the importance of co-creation of sustainability culture in global scale considering global goals.
If you are interested in participating in co-creation of a mini Miro workshop, (It is selfservice by putting your post-its or ideas and flexible start from 11:00 till 19:00) please feel free to use the link below too: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kkTn1rg=/
(Password: ActNow)
We can have short call together at 18:15 pm too:https://meet.google.com/dak-yfee-fjm?hs=122&authus...
All the best,