IxDF Accountability Group
Hosted by IxDF Washington
Sep 29th, 2020
6:00pm - 7:00pm
(UTC -05:00)
Online, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86255741848?pwd=bGJ5d3RXZnRaSmlnSzNVSTY1Z0xXdz09, District of Columbia
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Meetup Details
We're using this recurring meeting through October to help form the IxDF Washington Accountability groups.
At its simplest an accountability group is a group of people that you meet with regularly (weekly) and voice:
- What you accomplished last week
- What you will accomplish next week
A group of friendly faces that show up each week to support you in holding yourself accountable to your goals.
We're starting with a regular meeting at 6-7PM on Tuesdays.
If you are interested in the group please reach out via Slack or email (mattburgess.idf@gmail.com) and let me know.
Important: Only indicate you are attending if you plan on attending.