IxDF Bandung Coffee and Chill
Hosted by IxDF Bandung (West Java)
Feb 26th, 2021
6:00pm - 8:00pm
(UTC +07:00)
Refugees.co.id Kedai Kopi, Jl. Cigadung Raya Barat No.2, Cigadung, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung, West Java
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Meetup Details
Sampurasun, IxDF Bandung
It's been almost 2 months since 2021 started, and ever since 2020 was pretty much a quiet year too, why don't we warm things up?
We are setting up a meetup over coffee on Friday this week (26/02) at Refugees.co.id Kedai Kopi, Cigadung, from 6.00 PM to 8.00 PM. We've booked three tables, enough to keep six to eight people to stay safe and legal.
The meetup will be also available on IxDF Bandung Discord Voice Channels for anyone who'd rather have it virtually.
Share your insights, discuss any problems, or just chat about anything else. It's going to be an informal, cozy meetup with fellow designers!
Venue: Refugees.co.id Kedai Kopi, Cigadung
Discord: IxDF Bandung Discord Server
Date: Friday, 26/02/2021, 6.00 PM - 8.00 PM