IxDF BLR - Let's catch up friends!

Hosted by IxDF Bengaluru
Jun 10th, 2020
4:00pm - 5:00pm (UTC +05:30)
Online, Online meet-up, Bengaluru, Karnataka
33 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
What are Local Groups?
Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

Hi IxDF Bengaluru, let's meet online and discuss UX! In our video call, let's get to know each other and share UX problems we’re facing and discuss how we can solve them. Save the date, grab your laptop (or phone!), and let’s see each other online!

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss IxDF BLR - Let's catch up friends! held on Jun 10, 2020. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hey, thank you for arranging the meet up. Excited and looking forward to it, kindly don't flip on us like others did. :)

Hey Designers, Greetings! Quite excited to be a part of this group meetup. However, are there any agenda lined-up?

Hi I am Awanish

Hello everyone, exited to join this group and waiting for the meet up :)

Hi people,

What's the agenda of this meet up?

Hi , excited about the meet up.

Hi folks,

Hello friends, New new member to group, excited to be a part of this group & meetup.

Hello everyone! I'm new to IxDF (and Bangalore too in a way). I'm an old school content writer looking forward to learning about UX design and the words that go with it. Looking forward to meeting you guys. Happy Sunday folks

hi.........can someone tells me where can I join the meeting

Hi, I am Naveen Das new to IxDF BLR - Hoping this will be great opportunity to me to connect with other designer's of this group to learn more things and share my thoughts.

Hi all! I'm new to IxDF BLR and looking forward to meeting you all.

Hello everyone, exited to join this group and waiting for the meet up :)

Hi All, Excited to attend this meetup will all you guys!

Hello everyone, exited to join this group and waiting for the meet up

Hello everyone, Great to be the part of this group

Great guys, lets grow up this network

Hello All,

so excited to attend the meetup :)

Hi... Looking forward to connect with you all you locals. looking forward to join in on June 10th.

Hey guys, I very excited to attend this meetup hope to see you guys soon

Hi all! exited to join this meetup. What's the agenda of this

hello all!

I am new to IxDF and Bangalore. I'm a Fashion Designer. I wanted to learn more about UX design and design thinking. Looking forward to meeting you all.

Hello eve, excited about the meet up.

Hello everyone!

I'm new to Design and excited to be a part this group, look forward to meeting you all :)

looking forward to the meetup.

Excited to meet the Bengaluru Family !!

Hi Folks! I am really happy to be a part of this group and excited to meet up.

Hi, this is Tirthankar, excited on be a part of the design meet up online.

Thank you & excited to be part of the group

Hey Everyone!
I’m Ayesha, It brings me great joy to be apart of IxDF.
I hope everyone has been keeping safe during this pandemic.
A little bit about me -
I am a newbie in UXD and I am eager to establish a career path in it, I look forward to getting to know a lot of you’ll and mostly learn a lot of design and design life skills .. :)

Warm Regards

Hi everyone, Great to be the part of this group!

Hello everybody, looking forward to meet you all on June 10th. Cheers!

Happy to be the part of this group.

How can we join this meetup on 10th June?
Is there any link or something?

Kindly share the link for joining this Meetup!

Hello guys,

I'm looking forward to meeting you all. Thanks

Hi Everyone, Glad to be part of this group and excited to attend this meetup!

Hi all! What is the time for this meet up. I am guess it is going to be an Online one. Please post details. Thanks

Hi all, Myself Rahman, Happy to be a part of the great team !

can anyone share the meeting details?

Hi All,

I am new to this group and surprisingly, I am unable to find any link in this page that would allow me to join today's meetup. Can sometime help me out with the meeting details?



Hello all,

Really happy to be part of this meetup.

Any links shared to join the meet up?

Hey Guys,
I work as a Digital Consultant (Freelancer). Lets connect. Pl. share any Zoom or VC link with reference to the MeetUp.

Hello Folks,

Looking forward to the meet up today, is it on Zoom or Skype? Can someone please help with joining details?


Can someone please share the meeting link?

How to join this Meeting?

Hi, sorry if I sound like a novice, but how and where do I connect from?

Can anyone post the link to join the Meetup?



How to join? This is an example of bad UX! I've been trying to find a link or some info on how and where to join.

Which you have joined is not IxDF link someone added their personal link. You can end the call

Do you have the IxDF link? There is no other link provided so a group of people have start UX discussion on this link.

Hey where can I join the meeting

Any links shared to join the meet up?

Can anyone post the link to join the Meetup?

how to join this meet? Any link.. Please share

How to join? I don't see Zoom link or anything! I'm trying to find it for couple of minutes now.

How to join? I don't see Zoom link or anything! I'm trying to find it for couple of minutes now.

Hi ArunKumar/Harshit T Rao, Do we have meetup today? Is it cancelled or postponed?!

Can you guys ping the google meet link here once!

There is no google link. Organisers are not replying. Everyone has confused to join

Hi Organizer,

Could you add me to the meetup?

Do we have meetup today? No one Replying @Arun Kumar and Harshit Rao

Hello all, i didn't get any discussion meetup thread. Is there any problem?

Hey Guys, Good Evening. How do I join the meeting?

Hi Guys, if we have any meeting link, please ping me...


The calendar link does not have any meeting invite.

Someone can start a meeting and share the link here, we can facilitate the meeting ourselves. Like always nobody will show up!

We can do that

As per the invite I joined below link! but no one is present except me! :-)


If the link has changed, plz let us know here!

Hi Guys, the meeting is happening, I couldn't see other than me in the meeting...

Do we have any specific meeting link, if yes can you ping me...

How to join? This is an example of bad UX! I've been trying to find a link or some info on how and where to join.

I have mailed the organisers, Arun and Harsh. Asking them about the link. If any updates come, i will post it in the chat here.

Also the screenshot that Amod Damle has shared with us is leading to his personal meeting link, just spoke to him regarding that.

Guys if anybody of you has contact of Arun and Harsh, pls share!


Hi. How do I join the meetup?

Is there Meet up or not?

Never expect IxDF is doing like this

This is not provided by IxDF. This is Someone created

Thank you Sudeeksha for the link. Sorry everyone that I couldn't talk or share because of meeting that ran longer than expected. Thank you for the invite, it was nice listening to your experiences and the information provided.

As discussed, being on the same platform would help co-ordinate the meeting. Might I also suggest (as in the chat) if we can have this at a time after 5pm, say 5-6pm? It's easier to wrap up work and join at this time



Hi Everyone,

I'm happy to support scheduling these meetings so that everyone has the information required to join the call, listen, share and learn. That's the objective of these sessions.

ArunKumar and Harshit, please let me know how I can support to make this smooth experience for all.


Kruthi, Ph.D.

It was lovely interacting with all of you today. So many valuable insights you guys enlightened me with :) Look forward to a more seamless experience the next time and involvement of more people.



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Local Leaders of IxDF Bengaluru

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P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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