IxDF Lean Coffee

Feb 17th, 2021
8:00am - 9:00am (UTC -05:00)
Online, https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8493549790?pwd=RWk0L2pCRmkvQUJXd2E5NXQ2bTl2UT09, Ashburn, VA
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
What are Local Groups?
Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

What is Lean Coffee? Learn more here: https://leancoffee.org/

Our Shared Board:
We'll use dotstorming.com and the board will be provided at the beginning of the meeting.

Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8493549790?pwd=RWk0L2pCR...
Meeting ID: 849 354 9790
Passcode: IDF

You must be on a laptop or a larger device that can easily accommodate dotstoming.com in order to participate.

Not the right time for you?
If you can't make this time please provide and vote up better times using the discussion for this group.

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss IxDF Lean Coffee held on Feb 17, 2021. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Looking forward to seeing some familiar and unfamiliar faces tomorrow.

Great discussion yesterday, here are some topics we covered:

  • Content strategy and practical approach
  • How to effectively present your wireframes
  • Is the whiteboarding design challenge a real thing during interviews?
  • The design process in Agile methodology
  • How to make a newbie portfolio stronger
  • Discussion on case study presentations in the portfolio. Is Case study video the new thing?
  • Service designing
  • Favorite IxDF courses and wishlist
  • Reccommendations on fav. design books
Please log in or join us to post comments in the conversation.

Local Leaders of IxDF Northern Virginia (Dulles) (Virginia)

Meetup attendees

IxDF Members show their interest to attend a meetup by clicking the “Attend this meetup” button.

IxDF Members might also be bringing their non-member friends to the meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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