IxDF Lean Coffee
Oct 21st, 2020
8:00am - 9:00am
(UTC -05:00)
Zoom Meeting, https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8493549790?pwd=RWk0L2pCRmkvQUJXd2E5NXQ2bTl2UT09, Ashburn, VA
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Meetup Details
What is Lean Coffee? Learn more here: https://leancoffee.org/
Our Shared Board:
We'll use dotstorming.com and the board will be provided at the beginning of the meeting.
You must be on a laptop or a larger device that can easily accommodate dotstoming.com in order to participate.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 849 354 9790
Passcode: IDF
Not the right time for you? If you can't make this time please provide and vote up better times using the discussion for this group.