IxDF Meetup Utrecht - Online - Discussing the Color Theory Webinar!

Hosted by IxDF Utrecht
Mar 25th, 2021
5:00pm - 6:00pm (UTC +01:00)
Online, https://meetbutter.io/EajO1GNVm/ixdf-utrecht-meet-up, Utrecht
4 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details

Hoi IxDF Utrecht, let’s meet online and discuss UX!

(See english below)
Elke sessie zullen we een thema, onderwerp of artikel bespreken gerelateerd aan UX-design.
In deze sessie willen we de Webinar Color Theory bespreken die IDF organiseert (zie link).

De volgende Meeting is op donderdag 25 maart om 17 uur. Mocht je gerelateerder artikelen hebben over kleurtheorie, deel deze dan op deze meetup pagina zodat we die ook kunnen meenemen tijdens de meetup!

Extra info: Als lid kun je de Webinar voor een kleine vergoeding volgen. Mocht je niet "live" kunnen deelnemen, krijg je een link van de opname toegestuurd via de mail, zodat je de webinar terug kan kijken wanneer je wilt.
Je hoeft niet perse de webinar te volgen om deze meetup te joinen. Als je zelf artikelen wilt aandragen kan dat ook. Maar voel je ook welkom om even hoi te zeggen en andere Ux-designers te ontmoeten!

Every session we want to discuss a theme/topic or article in the wide jungle of UX-Design! In this session we're going to talk about the Color Theory Webinair presented by Interaction-Design Foundation (follow the link).

The next meetup is 25th of March at 5 PM. If you have some related and interesting articles about color-theory, you can post them on this page. Maybe we can use it in our discussion about color-theory!

Some helpful information:
You can attend to this webinar for a small fee. If you can't follow the live webinar, you'll get a link and watch it later when it suits you. You can still join this meetup, even if you didn't see the webinar and let us know how you feel about color-theory! And also, if you just want to say hi and meet some fellow ux-designers, Feel very welcome!

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss IxDF Meetup Utrecht - Online - Discussing the Color Theory Webinar! held on Mar 25, 2021. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Just watched the webinar, not really what I expected but surely interesting! Look forward to learn more about our designers' take on colour :)

It was very interesting! I thought I knew a lot about colors, but they sure knew how to surprise me!

I am wondering where you get your inspiration from for picking a color theme for your design.

Just came across this website, which shows a lot of beautiful color themes for award winning website!


Thanks Anouk that was fun. I am going to have a look at the resources you shared and enrich my color palette ;)

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Local Leaders of IxDF Utrecht

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P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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