IxDF Portland Design Challenge
Hosted by IxDF Portland
Jan 30th, 2021
6:00pm - 6:30pm
(UTC -08:00)
Online, https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/95386179357?pwd=L1loNXAzVHZ6d0VDL2c4R0ZKQjRJQT09, Portland
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Meetup Details
Hi IxDF Portland, let's meet online and discuss UX!
In our video call, let's get to know each other and work on a design prompt:
Design a landing page for your ideal coffee shop
You’re thinking about opening a coffee shop and would like to create an online presence. How would you go by designing your landing page? What is special about your coffee shop?
Bonus Points for the most creative backstory ;)
Don’t worry about your design tools, paper prototypes are welcome. We look forward to designing with y’all.
Vaishnavi & Vivi