IxDF Portland March UX Meetup
Meetup Details
IxDF Portland Meetup Agenda
Saturday March 10
10am @ Seven Virtues Coffee
How to Prepare for this Meetup
We will be reviewing websites of some of “the World’s 50 most innovative companies” selected from the Fast Company magazine March/April edition. Please reference the list of websites provided on the slack channel and check out some of the sites before the Meetup. What features of the website did you like? What would you change about the design of the website? Please bring a laptop/tablet or smartphone to the Meetup!
1. General Updates and Plans
- Introduce the Welcome to the IDF+Portland Community! survey
- Slack channel reminder
- Sensing the Environment project (quick rundown)
- Think + Make + Code as meeting space
- IxDF instructor Frank Spillers as guest speaker
- Poll of speaker topics on Slack
- Brainstorm how to use “Frog Collective Action Toolkit”
2. Discussion Topics
- What classes are you taking?
- What tools are you using?
- Upcoming events?
3. Workshop Ideas
- Group critiques of company websites (websites selected from Fast Company March/April edition)
- Future activities: Persona Analysis, Card Sorting, User Research, Customer Journey Map, Wireframes
4. Action Items
- Complete Welcome to the IDF+Portland Community! Survey
- Participate in Slack discussion