IxDF Tempe Virtual Meetup
Hosted by IxDF Tempe
Jul 2nd, 2020
5:30pm - 6:30pm
(UTC -07:00)
Online, Zoom, Tempe, AZ
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Meetup Details
Hi IxDF Tempe, let's meet online and discuss UX! It would be wonderful to catch up a bit and see what everyone is up to. In the video call, we could all connect, discuss thorny UX problems, and share tips. Save the date, grab your laptop (or phone!), and let’s meet virtually!
Meeting link - https://apexsystems.zoom.us/j/94036382070?pwd=QWFQdEQ5Uk9WRktxdlYzRTFYTnhuUT09
Reach out to me at Anebi@eikonlabs.com if you have any questions whatsoever.