May designers meetup in Valencia!

Hosted by IxDF Valencia
May 11th, 2024
11:30am - 12:30pm (UTC +01:00)
Portalada del Convent de Sant Julià, Jardins de Vivers, C/ de Sant Pius V, La Saïdiaa, Valencia
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
What are Local Groups?
Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

Hello everyone,
This is the second UX designers meetup in Valencia from the Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)

Maps link: Portalada del Convent de Sant Julià, Jardins de Vivers

Our agenda:
- Meet and greet: Who are the other group members? Why are you interested in interaction design/user experience? What is your job and what are your current challenges?
- How can we help each other in strengthening the local community of UX/IXD designers?
- How do we develop the group and how to structure its purposes?

Please join if you are nearby and bring a friend or a fellow designer. Pets are very welcome.

I hope to see many of you on Saturday!

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss May designers meetup in Valencia! held on May 11, 2024. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hi Gales, great see you on May 11

Fantastic! See you there!

Thanks for organizing Geles! Happy to join. I find this meet ups very useful 👍 My parents in law will be here visiting so, I’m not super sure I’ll join, but I’ll do my best.

Thanks for the interest!!
No worries. We are keeping it quite casual for now. Join if is convenient for you, no need to confirm in advance

Hey Valencia UX studybuddies, anyone from Malaga going?

Hi Jolanda (sorry, I couln’t reply your comment line)
We would be delighted to welcome you to the Valencia designer's meetup! Although we are still heating the gears to have a functional community here. This 11th of May will be just our second meetup. 

Our first gathering was very casual. From there, we generated enough motivation to grow our community. We aim to organise workshops, talks, presentations, etc, shortly.

Please keep an eye on this channel for future updates!

Hello everybody! Two weeks left for the second UX Designer meetup in Valencia on the 11th of May.

I am open to hear suggestions for the location! Bear in mind that it is a casual gathering. We won’t need to plug computers or to write down, etc. So outdoors locations are welcome!

I thought the agenda for our next meetup could be about strenghthening our community. I have some ideas I have gathered from the email the IxDF sent me to help organise the meetup:

- What do you hope to get out of this local group?
- How can we help each other in strenghthening the local community of designers?
- What are the next steps we should take as a group?

Please do share here your thoughts about it. If you would like to add any more questions or suggestions of any kind.

See you soon!

Hello! Do you already know where is the meetup and at what time?

Hi Elena! I have just posted the info ☺️

Hello everyone,
This is the second UX designers meetup in Valencia from the Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)

The meetup is on Saturday the 11th of May, so this week!, at 11.30 local time in the Portalada del Convent de Sant Julià, on the Viveros Gardens.

We had an amazing first gathering in April and we are ready for a second round. This time we will deepen our conversation around the community and the structure of our group.

Our agenda:
- Meet and greet: Who are the other group members? Why are you interested in interaction design/user experience? What is your job and what are your current challenges?
- How can we help each other in strengthening the local community of UX/IXD designers?
- How do we develop the group and how to structure its purposes?

Please join if you are nearby and bring a friend or a fellow designer. Pets are very welcome.

I hope to see many of you on Saturday!

Awesome! I’ll be there 👍 Thanks again Geles for your proactivity.

Hi again team!

Updates about our meetup on Saturday. Place and communications.

This meetup will be a picnic! So, bring a blanket, water or any drink you like and some food if you fancy!

The location I shared, Portalada del Convent de Sant Julià, on the Viveros Gardensis our meeting point. 

We will wait at the Portalada until 11.40 before moving a few meters away to sit on the grass. Punctuality will be appreciated!

I have created a Slack workspace with the colleagues from our first meetup. Please join if you like! There is a channel called #maymeet-up where you can communicate on the day if you are late, you can't find us, or you finally couldn't make it.

After the meetup, we will use this channel to add what we had discussed and what actions we decided to take for the community.

Thanks all in advance! See you in a few days.

Hi all! Not going to make it sorry. See you in the next one.

Just a little reminder that tha meetup is tomorrow!
Hopefully you have all the info, if not, please, join our slack channel (posted in the previous message) and make as many comments and questions as you need!

Thanks for letting us know ☺️See you in the next one!

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IxDF Members might also be bringing their non-member friends to the meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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