NUX Leeds – 29 January 2018 – Fitting Usability Labs into Agile Sprints
Meetup Details
The next NUX Leeds event is taking place on Monday 29th January at the new home of NUX Leeds: Platform, at New Station St, Leeds LS1 4JB.
NUX Leeds events are sponsored by Hippo Digital.
Join us from 6:00pm for food, drinks and networking. Talk starts at 6:30pm.
This month we welcome Ian Franklin, Senior Partner at Idea Smiths LLP and longstanding NUX member.
Fitting usability labs into Agile sprints
Traditionally, usability labs took a long time to organise; often just a usability bug hunt and resulted in a lengthy report of recommendations that no one read and took weeks to produce. This talk will cover how to adapt the usability lab to include discovery and co-creation, yet still record results rigorously while completing analysis and reporting within a couple of days. The talk will also cover how to counter the common objections to user feedback (“its only 5 users”, “it’s just anecdotes”) and how to use the lab to get stakeholders on side.
About Ian
Ian is a senior partner at IdeaSmiths LLP and he carried out his first usability test in 1985. A chartered psychologist by background, he has worked in the field of what happens when people meet technology since then. He continues to be fascinated by the chaos that often ensues and has been an advocate of user centred design since the early 1990s. Over the last four years he has been adapting user centred methods to fit into Agile. He is currently doing this for the NHS as they develop a range of online services for the public.