Pecha Kucha nights
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Crafting a good experience is like telling a good story
Stories are how we remember. We tend to forget bullet points
Applying storytelling techniques and methods help your UX Design and the process in many aspects. Creating personas, mapping user journey, writing user stories, etc. Last but not least, telling and «selling» your story right helps to buy in your stakeholders.
PechaKucha was first devised in Tokyo back in February 2003 as an event for young designers to network and showcase their work in a public setting. Today, it is an evening celebrated across hundreds of cities worldwide.
Anyway, enough of the history lesson, let's talk about what PechaKucha exactly is. This entire event rests on a simple 20x20 presentation format. A highly curated set of speakers will each show 20 images, for 20 seconds each. The idea is simple - tell your story within 20 pictures.
This unique, informal meetup brings people together from all walks of life to share their works, thoughts and ideas and most importantly, their story in the 20x20 format.