Special Guest: Want to win over a hiring manager in this industry? Learn from a hiring manager in tech
Hosted by IxDF Chicago
Oct 15th, 2020
5:30pm - 6:30pm
(UTC -05:00)
https://abbvie.zoom.us/j/98176822682?pwd=SkpZWXY5bElnTUhHMnNlNFlwUXRXQT09, Zoom Pro, Chicago, IL
8 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details
Hey IxDF Fam! It's special Guest time! This is a presentation and question/answer segment you don't want to miss!
Learn how to win over a UX hiring manager from Adam Trybula—one of the most sought-after design leaders in the Midwest. Adam has lead design & research to drive real results and deliver positive business impacts. Learn where to start with your job search and focus on key areas to make you stand out amongst the other applicants. You'll have a chance to ask him any questions you may have after his presentation.
Thank you AbbVie, for sponsoring this event!
Join Zoom Meeting https://abbvie.zoom.us/j/98176822682?pwd=SkpZWXY5bElnTUhHMnNlNFlwUXRXQT09">https://abbvie.zoom.us/j/98176822682?pwd=SkpZWXY5bElnTUhHMnNlNFlwUXRXQT09</a> Meeting ID: 981 7682 2682 Password: 664231 Join from a Video System (Example: Cisco) 98176822682@zoomcrc.com Password: 664231 Join from a Microsoft Video System (Example: Surface Hub) 98176822682@lync.zoom.us Password: 664231
Amy, Z, Rachel, Devin & Eric