UX for Good
Meetup Details
As a UX Designer, you can help make the Web and the World a better place. By following a human-centred design approach, you have the capability to make life easier for all users. From those with disabilities, the elderly, global audiences, and the next billion people who will be joining the internet. The way interfaces are designed even impacts users' health. Our field is not merely about designing beautiful buttons or chasing conversion rates. UX Design is also for the common good.
Guest speaker : Børge Kristensen (Visiting Johannesburg from Copenhagen - he will be here in person, not via zoom)
Børge Kristensen is a UX Consultant from Copenhagen, Denmark. He has worked in the Internet industry since the last century and has been consulting - making websites useful and usable for more than a decade. He utilises UX methods such as Task Analysis and Heuristic Walkthrough to make the Web great again. By insisting on a Human-Centred Design process and continuous feedback from users, Copenux - (the agency he founded) - has created websites with task completion rates at 100 %.