UX in the time of AI - A discussion
Hosted by IxDF San Diego
Sep 26th, 2023
5:00pm - 6:30pm
(UTC -07:00)
Online, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89882144021?pwd=Q7g0IPOKEb4gfhjCtxl7YmiO7iaL4a.1, San Diego, CA
5 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details
Hi IxDF San Diego, let’s meet online and explore the fascinating intersection of User Experience (UX) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
We will begin with a short presentation about the current state of AI implementation to frame the discussion, and then we will open up the floor for question, comments and opinions. The discussion part will not be recorded, to allow for privacy.
Please reserve your spot on Eventbrite:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ux-in-the-time-of-ai-tickets-722505592677
Save the date, grab your laptop (or phone!), and let’s see each other online!