UXers from Houston - let's meet
Hosted by IxDF Houston
Jan 22nd, 2021
5:00am - 6:00am
(UTC -06:00)
Online, https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76185938926?pwd=MnNySjZjNlJ0MEtDcHhCWlJCRzBzQT09, Houston, TX
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Meetup Details
Hi IxDF Houston, let's meet online and discuss UX! In our video call, let's get to know each other and share UX problems we’re facing and discuss how we can solve them. Please save the date, grab your laptop (or phone!), and let’s see each other online!
For those that want to attend, let's prepare a bit of the order of the day.
I am curious about How you got interested in UX?
Are you working already as UX?
What is the most exciting thing for you about this career?
What was your biggest struggle?
If you have more questions, please bring them to the meeting. I will also like to set up maybe a project to work together. Anyway, any ideas are welcome, even if you want only to come and listened or have a conversation. Feel free to add suggestions.