Walking and talking (with distance)

Hosted by IxDF Berlin
Jun 19th, 2020
1:00pm - 3:00pm (UTC +01:00)
Treptower Park, S-Bahn Treptower Park, Berlin
6 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
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Meetup Details

Hi IxDF Berlin, I know these are strange times and while everyone is skyping and zooming, I would like to propose a good old fashioned walk. I find walking and talking a great combination to meet informally and to just let conversations flow.

Time and meetup place are open suggestions, if you would like to propose something else, just let me know!

Look for the dog and you'll find me


Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Walking and talking (with distance) held on Jun 12, 2020 (and Jun 19, 2020)

Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Great idea

Sounds good :)

Very nice! Looking forward :)

Look for the dog and you'll find me :)

See you tomorrow


Just sharing a precious insight:


Oh my! I just realized I set the date to June .. I wanted to set it to today. If anyone else is around who can’t read dates like me, give me a call: 01605823364 I’m at the park now

oh oh... saw this too late. Is it still happening in June then?

Yes! It was my mistake. I actually managed to go the wrong day on a meetup I set the date myself lol. See you in a couple of weeks :)

looking forward!

Hello everyone, I just joined the group.

Hello everyone! Where do you guys want to meet? Any ideas of a strategic location?

See you in a few days!

Hi everyone!

We got two problems. One is the weather, which is supposed to be crap tomorrow and another is the contact rules in Berlin. Currently, only groups of 5 people are allowed in public space.

(I had no idea that so many people would sign up for this meetup! Which is great! I am really happy about it!)

So, I guess we could split the group into smaller groups of 5 and somehow cycle through them but we are still left with the prospect of it raining and us wanting to huddle together under a tree rather than spacing things out under the sun.

What do you think if we postponed the meetup for a week, until the 19th of June?

Let me know what you think


Ps.: Since I can't be sure everyone will read this on time, I just wanted to say that I will be there anyway, just in case!

Look for the dog and you'll find me


If the weather is not great we could postpone it to 19th June.

Yes, if the weather isn't good I would say to change the date for the 19th...

19th June works a lot better for me, today I'm not feeling great and it does look like it will rain a lot.

Hi everyone! I will probably come by also today, since the weather is actually wonderful and live nearby ;)

Yes, the weather seems to be holding up, so we will just do both dates then. See you in a bit, or in a week, or both :)

We are here at the main exit towards they park. If you can’t find us, write me: 0160 5823364

Looks like the weather will hold up again. Hope to see you in a bit!

Maureen, thank you for a wonderful walk and talk. Was really great!

Irina, it was my pleasure! See you very soon. High paw from Figo :)


Hi everyone,

I am enjoying these walks and talks very much, so I have decided to continue them. I won't be able to do them every Friday but if there is time, I will create a new event. Next up Friday, 26th of June

Hope to see you there!

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P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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