World Usability Day 2018

Hosted by IxDF Porto Alegre
Nov 8th, 2018
7:00pm - 12:00am (UTC -03:00)
Sicredi Digital - TecnoPUC, TecnoPUC, Porto Alegre, RS
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
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Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details


World Usability Day 2018
Design para o bem ou para o mal?
O design tem uma grande influência no comportamento das pessoas. Todos nós gostamos de pensar que estamos ajudando, mas às vezes não olhamos de perto o suficiente. Vamos usar o tema deste ano para examinar nossas atividades e encontrar maneiras de melhorar nosso trabalho, nosso ambiente e o nosso mundo.

Palestras confirmadas:

Helena Agra
UX Designer - DBServer
Tema: Diversidade no Design

Denise Pilar
UX Design Expert - SAP Labs Latin America
Palestra: UX e os Princípios da Economia Comportamental

+ Bate-papo sobre assuntos relacionados ao tema


World Usability Day é um evento que ocorre ao redor do mundo com o objetivo de celebrar os avanços das melhores práticas na criação de produtos/serviços, e a contribuição na educação das pessoas sobre a importância da Usabilidade em nosso dia a dia.
O evento também foca em trazer excelência para a comunidade de Designers, Ergonomistas e outros praticantes da área, tornando-a cada vez mais comprometida com a Usabilidade e a Experiência do Usuário.

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss World Usability Day 2018 held on Nov 8, 2018. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hi! my name is Victoria and I am from Uruguay, I will be in San Leopoldo next week for work and I would like to join you in this event.

But my problem is I understand very little in Portuguese it is possible that I would join you any way?

Regards, Victoria.

Hi Victoria!
It will be a pleasure to have you with us at our event!

Join us! Will be a great meetup between UX Designers!

Please log in or join us to post comments in the conversation.

Meetup attendees

Members can show their interest to attend a meetup by clicking “Attend this meetup” button. In addition, since Local Groups events are open to all, non-members can also attend these meetups.

Members might be bringing their non-member friends to a Local Group meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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