Do you always end up being the person who sees the downside in other people's suggestions? Or perhaps you’re the one who has lots of ideas, and then must suffer when they are dissected and rehashed? In this video, you’ll learn how to use Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats method to try out different roles to see new perspectives in problem solving and creativity. The effect of taking on a role can be quite dramatic, in that you literally become a different person. It’s also powerful in the way that it will help you become aware of the roles you and your colleagues usually play.
Start Using the 6 Thinking Hats Method – Download this Template to Guide You
Download our guidelines on how you can use the six thinking hats method here.

References and Where to Learn More
You can read more about the 6 Thinking Hats in: Edward De Bono (1985), Six Thinking Hats - An Essential Approach to Business Management, Little, Brown, & Company