Welcome and Introduction

by Rikke Friis Dam | | 2 min read

Drumming up business can take some planning. Luckily, that same planning is what can help you set up a first-rate website and work out exactly how not only to establish your online presence but to cast it to the right audience as well.

Well done on following your dream to the next level! Are you starting to see yourself as a business yet? Well, we’ll help you build on your vision and get down to sharing our promotion and marketing secrets with you. First, have you ever considered what story you have to tell as a specialist in your field? That is, now that you’re becoming a Freelancer or Entrepreneur, what might identify you best in the minds of clients? What words and imagery would conjure what you’re all about on a website, for instance?

This lesson is about focusing on the building blocks of your business—market research and pricing your skills for starters. But then we head to the really fun part: building the website that will best promote you. We’ll also show the powerful considerations of SEO vs. SEM and the wealth of ways you can get your message out there. If you’re big on social media, you will especially enjoy this lesson!

There’s much more—we have everything you need to see about maximising the success of your business in its early stages in this lesson. We leave no stone unturned, from the magic of networking with its many benefits to the sure-fire starting point of freelancing sites such as Upwork or Guru.

As you take in the wealth of options open to you, we encourage you to keep in mind a theme. That theme is you as a brand—not an individual looking to do something for money, but a Freelancer or Entrepreneur who will eventually sell a world of good experiences to clients and businesses. So, with that in mind, let’s go and explore the possibilities!


Hero Image: Author/Copyright holder: Wonderlijk Werken. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-SA 2.0


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Dam, R. F. (2016, September 7). Welcome and Introduction. Interaction Design Foundation - IxDF.

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