ACM Transactions on the Web



Ashman, Helen, Iyengar, Arun (2007): Introduction. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (1) pp. 1.

Urgaonkar, Bhuvan, Pacifici, Giovanni, Shenoy, Prashant, Spreitzer, Mike, Tantawi, Asser (2007): Analytic modeling of multitier Internet applications. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (1) pp. 2.

Jansen, Bernard J. (2007): The comparative effectiveness of sponsored and nonsponsored links for Web e-commerce queri. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (1) pp. 3.

Church, Karen, Smyth, Barry, Cotter, Paul, Bradley, Keith (2007): Mobile information access: A study of emerging search behavior on the mobile Internet. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (1) pp. 4.

Leskovec, Jure, Adamic, Lada A., Huberman, Bernardo A. (2007): The dynamics of viral marketing. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (1) pp. 5.

Yu, Tao, Zhang, Yue, Lin, Kwei-Jay (2007): Efficient algorithms for Web services selection with end-to-end QoS constraints. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (1) pp. 6.

Serrano, M. Ángeles, Maguitman, Ana, Boguñá, Marián, Fortunato, Santo, Vespignani, Alessandro (2007): Decoding the structure of the WWW: A comparative analysis of Web crawls. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (2) pp. 10.

Dubinko, Micah, Kumar, Ravi, Magnani, Joseph, Novak, Jasmine, Raghavan, Prabhakar, Tomkins, Andrew (2007): Visualizing tags over time. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (2) pp. 7.

Mohan, Bharath Kumar, Keller, Benjamin J., Ramakrishnan, Naren (2007): Scouts, promoters, and connectors: The roles of ratings in nearest-neighbor collaborative . In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (2) pp. 8.

Rogers, Alex, David, Esther, Jennings, Nicholas R., Schiff, Jeremy (2007): The effects of proxy bidding and minimum bid increments within eBay auctions. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (2) pp. 9.

Reis, Charles, Dunagan, John, Wang, Helen J., Dubrovsky, Opher, Esmeir, Saher (2007): BrowserShield: Vulnerability-driven filtering of dynamic HTML. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (3) pp. 11.

Sun, Zan, Mahmud, Jalal, Ramakrishnan, I. V., Mukherjee, Saikat (2007): Model-directed Web transactions under constrained modalities. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (3) pp. 12.

Sharman, Raj, Ramanna, Shiva Shankar, Ramesh, Ram, Gopal, Ram (2007): Cache architecture for on-demand streaming on the Web. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (3) pp. 13.

Zdun, Uwe, Hentrich, Carsten, Dustdar, Schahram (2007): Modeling process-driven and service-oriented architectures using patterns and pattern prim. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 1 (3) pp. 14.

Najork, Marc, Davison, Brian D. (2008): Introduction to special section on adversarial issues in Web search. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 1.

Becchetti, Luca, Castillo, Carlos, Donato, Debora, Baeza-Yates, Ricardo, Leonardi, Stefano (2008): Link analysis for Web spam detection. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 2.

Weinreich, Harald, Obendorf, Hartmut, Herder, Eelco, Mayer, Matthias (2008): Not Quite the Average: An Empirical Study of Web Use. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 26.

Urvoy, Tanguy, Chauveau, Emmanuel, Filoche, Pascal, Lavergne, Thomas (2008): Tracking Web spam with HTML style similarities. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 3.

Lin, Yu-Ru, Sundaram, Hari, Chi, Yun, Tatemura, Junichi, Tseng, Belle L. (2008): Detecting splogs via temporal dynamics using self-similarity analysis. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 4.

Yu, Qi, Bouguettaya, Athman (2008): Framework for Web service query algebra and optimization. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 6.

Aleman-Meza, Boanerges, Nagarajan, Meenakshi, Ding, Li, Sheth, Amit, Arpinar, I. Budak, Joshi, Anupam, Finin, Tim (2008): Scalable semantic analytics on social networks for addressing the problem of conflict of i. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 7.

Gmach, Daniel, Krompass, Stefan, Scholz, Andreas, Wimmer, Martin, Kemper, Alfons (2008): Adaptive quality of service management for enterprise services. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 8.

Yang, Bo, Liu, Jiming (2008): Discovering global network communities based on local centralities. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (1) pp. 9.

Dustdar, Schahram, Krämer, Bernd J. (2008): Introduction to special issue on service oriented computing (SOC). In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (2) pp. 10.

Belhajjame, Khalid, Embury, Suzanne M., Paton, Norman W., Stevens, Robert, Goble, Carole A. (2008): Automatic annotation of Web services based on workflow definitions. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (2) pp. 11.

Elgedawy, Islam, Tari, Zahir, Thom, James A. (2008): Correctness-aware high-level functional matching approaches for semantic Web services. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (2) pp. 12.

Ryu, Seung Hwan, Casati, Fabio, Skogsrud, Halvard, Benatallah, Boualem, Saint-Paul, Regis (2008): Supporting the dynamic evolution of Web service protocols in service-oriented architecture. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (2) pp. 13.

Schäfer, Michael, Dolog, Peter, Nejdl, Wolfgang (2008): An environment for flexible advanced compensations of Web service transactions. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (2) pp. 14.

Srivatsa, Mudhakar, Iyengar, Arun, Yin, Jian, Liu, Ling (2008): Mitigating application-level denial of service attacks on Web servers: A client-transparen. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (3) pp. 15.

White, Ryen W., Bilenko, Mikhail, Cucerzan, Silviu (2008): Leveraging popular destinations to enhance Web search interaction. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (3) pp. 16.

Andreolini, Mauro, Casolari, Sara, Colajanni, Michele (2008): Models and framework for supporting runtime decisions in Web-based systems. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (3) pp. 17.

Amitay, Einat, Broder, Andrei (2008): Introduction to special issue on query log analysis: Technology and ethics. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (4) pp. 18.

Cooper, Alissa (2008): A survey of query log privacy-enhancing techniques from a policy perspective. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (4) pp. 19.

Baeza-Yates, Ricardo, Gionis, Aristides, Junqueira, Flavio P., Murdock, Vanessa, Plachouras, Vassilis, Silvestri, Fabrizio (2008): Design trade-offs for search engine caching. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (4) pp. 20.

Richardson, Matthew (2008): Learning about the world through long-term query logs. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (4) pp. 21.

Koutrika, Georgia, Effendi, Frans Adjie, Gyongyi, Zoltán, Heymann, Paul, Garcia-Molina, Hector (2008): Combating spam in tagging systems: An evaluation. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 2 (4) pp. 22.

Rattenbury, Tye, Naaman, Mor (2009): Methods for extracting place semantics from Flickr tags. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (1) pp. 1.

Jackson, Collin, Barth, Adam, Bortz, Andrew, Shao, Weidong, Boneh, Dan (2009): Protecting browsers from DNS rebinding attacks. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (1) pp. 2.

Bar-Yossef, Ziv, Keidar, Idit, Schonfeld, Uri (2009): Do not crawl in the DUST: Different URLs with similar text. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (1) pp. 3.

Xiao, Xiangye, Luo, Qiong, Hong, Dan, Fu, Hongbo, Xie, Xing, Ma, Wei-Ying (2009): Browsing on small displays by transforming Web pages into hierarchically structured subpag. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (1) pp. 4.

Gabrilovich, Evgeniy, Broder, Andrei, Fontoura, Marcus, Joshi, Amruta, Josifovski, Vanja, Riedel, Lance, Zhang, Tong (2009): Classifying search queries using the Web as a source of knowledge. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (2) pp. 5.

Reay, Ian, Dick, Scott, Miller, James (2009): A large-scale empirical study of P3P privacy policies: Stated actions vs. legal obligation. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (2) pp. 6.

Dourisboure, Yon, Geraci, Filippo, Pellegrini, Marco (2009): Extraction and classification of dense implicit communities in the Web graph. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (2) pp. 7.

Comuzzi, Marco, Pernici, Barbara (2009): A framework for QoS-based Web service contracting. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (3) pp. 10.

Pilioura, Thomi, Tsalgatidou, Aphrodite (2009): Unified publication and discovery of semantic Web services. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (3) pp. 11.

Lee, Hsin-Tsang, Leonard, Derek, Wang, Xiaoming, Loguinov, Dmitri (2009): IRLbot: Scaling to 6 billion pages and beyond. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (3) pp. 8.

Tappenden, Andrew F., Miller, James (2009): Cookies: A deployment study and the testing implications. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (3) pp. 9.

Golbeck, Jennifer (2009): Trust and nuanced profile similarity in online social networks. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (4) pp. 12.

Singh, Aameek, Srivatsa, Mudhakar, Liu, Ling (2009): Search-as-a-service: Outsourced search over outsourced storage. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (4) pp. 13.

Robu, Valentin, Halpin, Harry, Shepherd, Hana (2009): Emergence of consensus and shared vocabularies in collaborative tagging systems. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 3 (4) pp. 14.

Zheng, Yu, Chen, Yukun, Li, Quannan, Xie, Xing, Ma, Wei-Ying (2010): Understanding transportation modes based on GPS data for web applications. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (1) pp. 1.

Li, Guoli, Muthusamy, Vinod, Jacobsen, Hans-Arno (2010): A distributed service-oriented architecture for business process execution. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (1) pp. 2.

Montali, Marco, Pesic, Maja, Aalst, Wil M. P. van der, Chesani, Federico, Mello, Paola, Storari, Sergio (2010): Declarative specification and verification of service choreographiess. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (1) pp. 3.

Almishari, Mishari, Yang, Xiaowei (2010): Ads-portal domains: Identification and measurements. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (2) pp. 4.

Jurca, Radu, Garcin, Florent, Talwar, Arjun, Faltings, Boi (2010): Reporting incentives and biases in online review forums. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (2) pp. 5.

Vlachos, Michail, Kozat, Suleyman S., Yu, Philip S. (2010): Optimal distance bounds for fast search on compressed time-series query logs. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (2) pp. 6.

Fraternali, Piero, Comai, Sara, Bozzon, Alessandro, Carughi, Giovanni Toffetti (2010): Engineering rich internet applications with a model-driven approach. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (2) pp. 7.

Poblete, Barbara, Spiliopoulou, Myra, Baeza-Yates, Ricardo (2010): Privacy-preserving query log mining for business confidentiality protection. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (3) pp. 10.

Consens, Mariano P., Miller, Renée J., Rizzolo, Flavio, Vaisman, Alejandro A. (2010): Exploring XML web collections with DescribeX. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (3) pp. 11.

Adams, Brett, Phung, Dinh, Venkatesh, Svetha (2010): Discovery of latent subcommunities in a blog's readership. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (3) pp. 12.

Xiao, Xiangye, Luo, Qiong, Li, Zhisheng, Xie, Xing, Ma, Wei-Ying (2010): A large-scale study on map search logs. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (3) pp. 8.

Malak, Ghazwa, Sahraoui, Houari, Badri, Linda, Badri, Mourad (2010): Modeling web quality using a probabilistic approach: An empirical validation. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (3) pp. 9.

Kiciman, Emre, Livshits, Benjamin (2010): AjaxScope: A Platform for Remotely Monitoring the Client-Side Behavior of Web 2.0 Applicat. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (4) pp. 13.

Bex, Geert Jan, Gelade, Wouter, Neven, Frank, Vansummeren, Stijn (2010): Learning Deterministic Regular Expressions for the Inference of Schemas from XML Data. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (4) pp. 14.

Bailey, Peter, White, Ryen W., Liu, Han, Kumaran, Giridhar (2010): Mining Historic Query Trails to Label Long and Rare Search Engine Queries. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (4) pp. 15.

Claude, Francisco, Navarro, Gonzalo (2010): Fast and Compact Web Graph Representations. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (4) pp. 16.

Swaminathan, Ashwin, Cattelan, Renan G., Wexler, Ydo, Mathew, Cherian V., Kirovski, Darko (2010): Relating Reputation and Money in Online Markets. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 4 (4) pp. 17.

Riedl, John, Smyth, Barry (2011): Introduction to special issue on recommender systems. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (1) pp. 1.

Cacheda, Fidel, Carneiro, Victor, Fernandez, Diego, Formoso, Vreixo (2011): Comparison of collaborative filtering algorithms: Limitations of current techniques and pr. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (1) pp. 2.

Umyarov, Akhmed, Tuzhilin, Alexander (2011): Using external aggregate ratings for improving individual recommendations. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (1) pp. 3.

Song, Yang, Zhang, Lu, Giles, C. Lee (2011): Automatic tag recommendation algorithms for social recommender systems. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (1) pp. 4.

Zheng, Yu, Zhang, Lizhu, Ma, Zhengxin, Xie, Xing, Ma, Wei-Ying (2011): Recommending friends and locations based on individual location history. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (1) pp. 5.

Valderas, Pedro, Pelechano, Vicente (2011): A Survey of Requirements Specification in Model-Driven Development of Web Applications. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (2) pp. 10.

Grier, Chris, Tang, Shuo, King, Samuel T. (2011): Designing and Implementing the OP and OP2 Web Browsers. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (2) pp. 11.

Wu, Mingfang, Scholer, Falk, Turpin, Andrew (2011): Topic Distillation with Query-Dependent Link Connections and Page Characteristics. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (2) pp. 6.

Hurley, John, Garcia-Palacios, Emi, Sezer, Sakir (2011): Host-Based P2P Flow Identification and Use in Real-Time. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (2) pp. 7.

Mitra, Siddharth, Agrawal, Mayank, Yadav, Amit, Carlsson, Niklas, Eager, Derek, Mahanti, Anirban (2011): Characterizing Web-Based Video Sharing Workloads. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (2) pp. 8.

Ozcan, Rifat, Altingovde, Ismail Sengor, Ulusoy, Özgür (2011): Cost-Aware Strategies for Query Result Caching in Web Search Engines. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (2) pp. 9.

Koutsonikola, Vassiliki, Vakali, Athena (2011): A Clustering-Driven LDAP Framework. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (3) pp. 12.

Paci, Federica, Mecella, Massimo, Ouzzani, Mourad, Bertino, Elisa (2011): ACConv -- An Access Control Model for Conversational Web Services. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (3) pp. 13.

Zeginis, Dimitris, Tzitzikas, Yannis, Christophides, Vassilis (2011): On Computing Deltas of RDF/S Knowledge Bases. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (3) pp. 14.

Baykan, Eda, Henzinger, Monika, Marian, Ludmila, Weber, Ingmar (2011): A Comprehensive Study of Features and Algorithms for URL-Based Topic Classification. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (3) pp. 15.

Tuchinda, Rattapoom, Knoblock, Craig A., Szekely, Pedro (2011): Building Mashups by Demonstration. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (3) pp. 16.

Alzoubi, Hussein A., Lee, Seungjoon, Rabinovich, Michael, Spatscheck, Oliver, Merwe, Jacobus Van der (2011): A Practical Architecture for an Anycast CDN. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (4) pp. 17.

Bar-Yossef, Ziv, Gurevich, Maxim (2011): Efficient Search Engine Measurements. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (4) pp. 18.

Gill, Phillipa, Arlitt, Martin, Carlsson, Niklas, Mahanti, Anirban, Williamson, Carey (2011): Characterizing Organizational Use of Web-Based Services: Methodology, Challenges, Observat. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (4) pp. 19.

Singla, Adish, Weber, Ingmar (2011): Camera Brand Congruence and Camera Model Propagation in the Flickr Social Graph. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (4) pp. 20.

Curlango-Rosas, Cecilia, Ponce, Gregorio A., Lopez-Morteo, Gabriel A. (2011): A Specialized Search Assistant for Learning Objects. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 5 (4) pp. 21.

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