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Conference Proceedings
Howard, Steve, Hammond, Judith H., Lindgaard, Gitte (eds.) Proceedings of INTERACT 97 - IFIP TC13 Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction July 14-18, 1997, Sydney, Australia.
Howard, Steve, Hammond, Judy, Lindgaard, Gitte (eds.) Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 97, IFIP TC13 Interantional Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 14th-18th July 1997, Sydney, Australia , 1997, .
Bass, Leonard J., Unger, Claus (eds.) Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG2.7 Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction August, 1996, Yellowstone Park, USA.
Nordby, Knut (eds.) Proceedings of INTERACT 95 - IFIP TC13 Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 25-29, 1995, Lillehammer, Norway.
(1996). Design Principles for Interactive Software, Chapman and Hall,
Lindgaard, Gitte (1994). Usability Testing and System Evaluation: A Guide for Designing Useful Computing Systems, Chapman and Hall,
Lindgaard, Gitte (1994). Usability Testing and System Evaluation: A Guide for Designing Useful Computing Systems, Chapman and Hall,
Lindgaard, Gitte (1994). Usability Testing and System Evaluation: A Guide for Designing Useful Computing Systems, Chapman and Hall,