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Digital Creativity. This is how the journal describes itself: Digital Creativity is a major peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of the creative arts and digital technologies. It carries articles of interest to those involved in the practical task of making or using software for creative purposes. By the term ‘creative arts’ we include such disciplines as fine art, graphic design, illustration, photography, printmaking, sculpture, 3D design, product design, textile and fashion design, film making, animation, games design, music, dance, drama, creative writing, poetry, interior design, architecture, and urban design. We also address technology-oriented disciplines such as artificial intelligence, computer-supported collaborative work, GPS systems, human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented reality.

The Journal of the Learning Sciences.

Military Psychology.

International Journal of Heritage Studies.

Cambridge Journal of Education.

Open Learning.

Mind, Culture and Activity.

Disability & Society.


Gallagher, Shaun, Zahavi, Dan (2012). The Phenomenological Mind: An Introduction to Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, 2nd edition, Routledge,

(2009). Activity Theory in Practice: Promoting Learning Across Boundaries and Agencies, Routledge,

Gallagher, Shaun, Zahavi, Dan (2008). The Phenomenological Mind, Routledge,

Fortunati, Leopoldina, Katz, James E., Riccini, Raimonda (2003). Mediating the Human Body: Technology, Communication, and Fashion, Routledge,

Cobley, Paul (2001). Narrative, Routledge,

Carlson, Allen (2000). Aesthetics and the Environment: The Appreciation of Nature, Art and Architecture, Routledge,

(2000). Working Time: International Trends, Theory and Policy Perspectives (Routledge Advances in Social Economics), Routledge,

Shusterman, Richard (1996). Practicing Philosophy: Pragmatism and the Philosophical Life, Routledge,

Kuper, Adam (1996). Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School 3rd Ed, Routledge,

Sparke, Penny (1996). An Introduction to Design and Culture: 1900 to the Present, Routledge,

Porteous, J. Douglas (1996). Environmental Aesthetics: Ideas, Politics and Planning, Routledge,

Steffe, Leslie P., Nesher, Pearla, Cobb, Paul, Goldin, Gerard A., Greer, Brian (1996). Theories of Mathematical Learning, Routledge,

Kress, Gunther R., Leeuwen, Theo Van, Gress, Gunther R. (1995). Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design, Routledge,

Boal, Augusto (1992). Games for Actors and Non-Actors, Routledge,

Button, Graham (1991). Ethnomethodology and the Human Sciences, Routledge,

Hammersley, Martyn (1990). The Dilemma of Qualitative Method: Herbert Blumer and the Chicago Tradition, Routledge,

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1962). Phenomenology of Perception: An Introduction, Routledge,

Polanyi, Michael (1958). Personal Knowledge: towards a post-critical philosophy, Routledge,

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1958). Phenomenology of Perception, Routledge,

Piaget, Jean (1950). The Psychology of Intelligence, Routledge,

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