Taylor and Francis


Human-Computer Interaction. A Journal of Theoretical, Empirical, and Methodological Issues of User Science and of System Design

Behaviour and Information Technology. This is how the journal describes itself: "Behaviour and Information Technology (BIT) deals with the human aspects of this technology and reports original research and development on the design, use and impact of information technology in all its forms. Its strictly refereed papers come from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, cognitive science, computer science, ergonomics, sociology, management education and training. BIT attracts a wide, international readership, from researchers and system designers to personnel specialists and planners".

Ergonomics. Ergonomics is an international multi-disciplinary refereed journal with a 50 year tradition of publishing excellence. The journal reports research results on psychological, physiological, anatomical, and engineering design aspects of ergonomics, and is particularly concerned with optimizing system performance and safety, health and well-being. Research data from both developed and developing countries is reported. As well as peer-reviewed scientific papers, the journal features lively book reviews.

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia.

CoDesign International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts.

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

International Journal of Sustainable Engineering.

CoDesign - International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts.

Journal of Information Technology and Politics. The Journal of Information Technology & Politics (JITP) seeks high-quality manuscripts on the challenges and opportunities presented by information technology in politics and government. The primary objectives of the journal are to: (1) promote a better understanding of how evolving information technologies interact with political and governmental processes and outcomes at many levels, (2) encourage the development of governmental and political processes that employ IT in novel and interesting ways, and (3) foster the development of new information technology tools and theories that can capture, analyze, and report on these developments.

Building Research Information.


Journal of Media and Cultural Studies.

Journal of Location Based Services.

Human–Computer Interaction.

Ecological psychology.

Theory into Practice.

Psychology and health.


Stephanidis, Constantine (2009). The Universal Access Handbook, Taylor and Francis,

Lawson, Bryan, Dorst, Kees (2009). Design Expertise, Taylor and Francis,

Lueder, Rani, Rice, Valerie J. (2008). Ergonomics for Children: Desiging Products and Places for Toddlers to Teens, Taylor and Francis,

McCabe, Paul (2003). Contemporary Ergonomics, Taylor and Francis,

(2001). User Interface Design for Electronic Appliances, Taylor and Francis,

Green, William S., Jordan, Patrick W. (2001). Pleasure With Products: Beyond Usability, Taylor and Francis,

(2001). Inclusive Design Guidelines for Human-Computer Interaction, Taylor and Francis,

Nicolle, Colette, Abascal, Julio (2001). Inclusive design guidelines for HCI, Taylor and Francis,

Jordan, Patrick W. (1998). An Introduction to Usability, Taylor and Francis,

(1998). Visual Information for Everyday Use: Design and Research Perspectives, Taylor and Francis,

Frascara, Jorge (1997). User-Centred Graphic Design: Mass Communication and Social Change, Taylor and Francis,

(1997). Co-Operative Process Management: Cognition and Information Technology, Taylor and Francis,

Anshel, Jeffery (1997). Visual Ergonomics in the Workplace, Taylor and Francis,

(1996). Computer, Communication and Mental Models, Taylor and Francis,

(1996). Gendered by Design? Information Technology and Office Systems, Taylor and Francis,

(1996). Usability Evaluation in Industry, Taylor and Francis,

Dillon, Andrew (1994). Designing Usable Electronic Text: Ergonomic Aspects of Human Information Usage, Taylor and Francis,

(1992). A Guide to Task Analysis, Taylor and Francis,

(1990). Simulation and the User Interface, Taylor and Francis,

Ivergard, Toni (1989). Handbook of Control Room Design and Ergonomics, Taylor and Francis,

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