Motivation in UX/UI Design

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What is Motivation in UX/UI Design?

Motivation is the mechanism behind many of our decisions and actions. Its most basic form is described by a layered model devised by Abraham Maslow, referred to as the hierarchy of needs. In this model, motivation is the driving force to satisfy the needs of each layer.

But we can also consider motivation in more specific terms. How can we motivate ourselves to achieve individual goals once the basic needs of the model are attained? Motivation in this sense can be considered from two perspectives, external and internal.

External motivation, or “extrinsic motivation” in psychology, refers to an outside force that moves a person to do something they might not normally do. This could be a reward, praise or punishment. Internal, or intrinsic, motivation is the self-generated force that drives you towards a goal. The reward is purely internal but leads toward positive feelings in the individual.

UX Designers often use extrinsic rewards to encourage certain behaviors from users when interacting with a product or service. However, it is generally more effective to learn people's intrinsic motivations to support them in what they already want to do. Otherwise, you waste time and energy convincing them to do something they don’t wish to, potentially turning them off your product. UX researchers focus on their users' motivations during the early stages of development to better appeal to users' intrinsic motivations.

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How Do Designers Motivate Users?

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  1. 00:00:00 --> 00:00:33

    We have a lot of different types of motivation. And we do not have one theory of motivation  that can explain all of human behaviors. So, let's just focus on two of the main  types of motivation that we care about. That is really useful especially in the  game industry but also elsewhere. It's *extrinsic motivation* and  *intrinsic motivation*. Extrinsic motivation is when you do  something, an activity or task, in order to gain something  external to that task.

  2. 00:00:33 --> 00:01:02

    So, let's say that you're doing a summer  job, not because you care about the job but because you need the money so that you can do whatever you want to do with the money. That's an example of extrinsic motivation. And in games we do have a lot of  that; we do have moments where you're going to do a mission, for example a  quest, not necessarily because you really  care about the quest; you don't necessarily  care about killing 10 wolves.

  3. 00:01:02 --> 00:01:34

    But you do need the pelts or the fur  or whatever, the fangs to craft  something that you need, and in the  game industry we do that a lot. We have a lot of *clear goals* that are  attached to *meaningful rewards*. Emphasis on *meaningful* – it's not  enough to just have goals and rewards and "if you do that, you're  going to gain this". What's interesting in a good game is  that you try to think really forward and say you – there's a very bad enemy

  4. 00:01:34 --> 00:02:02

    and you would like to defeat that enemy,  but you do not have the proper weapon that can help you defeat that  enemy because it's super strong. To gain that weapon you need to be able to craft  it because there's no other way to have it. And to craft it you need some ingredients,  and you're missing some of these ingredients, say, copper ore, and you cannot  it find anywhere in the game. And you will find a quest that is offering  you copper ore if you complete it.

  5. 00:02:02 --> 00:02:30

    That makes that reward meaningful because you  already know what you're going to do with it.  And that's really, really important because I see  like when we gamify things we have a tendency to add objectives and rewards with the  objectives and sometimes the rewards are just like badges and stuff like that. And  if you don't know what you're going to do with those badges, this is not a  meaningful reward. In games;  in a good game we always try to make sure  

  6. 00:02:30 --> 00:03:02

    that there is a problem, a challenge and something that needs to be solved.  We're blocked, and the reward is  a way to unlock the player. So, that makes it meaningful and that  makes it that you want to think forward and you know how you can accomplish your  goals and go through the different hoops. We also think about short term,  medium term and long term. You know, not just like the long-term goal  to save the world or finish the game, but you know there are like big bosses or  things that you want to accomplish, and

  7. 00:03:02 --> 00:03:30

    this is what makes the short-term goals –  you know – do one quest so that you can gain the ore so that you can craft the  things so then you can defeat the boss. That's what makes it really interesting. But extrinsic motivation is a good  drive, but it's not enough. We also need *intrinsic motivation*. Intrinsic  motivation is when we do something for the pleasure of doing it. We have a very good theory

  8. 00:03:30 --> 00:04:03

    to explain that. It's called  *self-determination theory*,   or *SDT* for short. It's very   reliable and has been studied for the past decades. This theory explains that we are more  intrinsically motivated to accomplish certain activities when these activities  satisfy our needs for competence,  autonomy and relatedness. *Competence* is having a sense of progression. So, whether it is at work, in a game, in your life  – like if you, let's say, learn a new skill,

  9. 00:04:03 --> 00:04:34

    like let's say you want to learn a new  language or a new music instrument, if every day that you practice you  feel that you're progressing, like now you can converse more easily or  you're able to play a song more easily, then you feel competent – your  efforts are paying off. It's really important to feel  that sense of competence because   if you put some efforts into something, a new activity, a new job, whatever it is   and you don't feel that you're progressing, then this is when you are really demotivated.

  10. 00:04:34 --> 00:05:06

    And the problem is again emphasis  on *feel of progressing*. Sometimes we do something like exercising  every day, and that's really helpful for our health, but we don't  necessarily feel it. And that's a problem in  health in general, is that people don't necessarily feel the benefit  of taking the medications every day or doing some exercise every day. And this is when having a device that is   helping you feel, making you feel this sense of progression, that can really help.

  11. 00:05:06 --> 00:05:32

    So, for example, if it's really  hard to exercise like 30 minutes every day to think about it, now  if you have a device that helps you say,   like your goal today is to do 10 000 steps and  show you your progression towards that goal, it's really more powerful because then you can  see yourself progressing towards that goal.   So... that's why progression bars are so  powerful, and it's not just because of the  

  12. 00:05:32 --> 00:06:02

    extrinsic motivation that comes with it  because you know once the bar is full, then you have a reward; it's also because  it's a great feedback on your progression, and especially on progression that you cannot  necessarily really feel for yourself, like anything health-related is a  good example, but then many times it's really hard to tell if  you're progressing or not. So, having a sense of progression is critical in  games; there's a lot of things that are around competence, and it's important to understand that  

  13. 00:06:02 --> 00:06:34

    the sense of progression, that feeling of competence,   it does not necessarily mean that you don't, you never die and you never fail; in games, we see that all the time, that  people actually persevere and if   they fail and they die and they start again – if   they are getting better next time, then you have a sense of progression. So, the idea is not to never have people fail,  and actually failing is very important for learning. But it's also very important to  feel competent; if you fail the first or the

  14. 00:06:34 --> 00:07:03

    second time but then you succeed, just like you  try to complete a level or to defeat a boss, it's really hard, but at some point you  overcome it and you manage to kill it, then you feel great, you feel a great sense  of accomplishment, that sense of competence because it was difficult and you  persevered and then you succeeded. And so, in games what's important is when  people fail and when they die in the game, it's really important that we convey *why* they  did and *how* they can get better next time.

  15. 00:07:03 --> 00:07:31

    So, failure is not necessarily a problem as  long as when people try again, they progress. So, that sense of progression is really  important; it's very important in your job, when you get a promotion, yes, you have  the external, the extrinsic reward of having more money that comes with it but it's  also a great feedback on your competence. And so, that's why it feels so good. Autonomy is a lot around self-expression, so it  can go from just choosing your environment,

  16. 00:07:31 --> 00:08:03

    so customizing your environment, all the way  to being creative and creating stuff yourself. There's a lot of nuances there, but  it's, again, at work if you have a boss that micromanages you, it doesn't feel  good, because you don't have autonomy; whereas if you have a boss that tells you,  "Okay, this is our objective for the month," then "Do what you have to do to get  there. I trust your judgments," then it feels much better because then you  feel you have autonomy to get there.

  17. 00:08:03 --> 00:08:30

    So, in games, of course there's a lot  of games that offer customizations, so you then smooth in Fortnite or you  choose your hats or your clothing or just customize your environment, but it's much more powerful when you can   choose your objectives, how to solve problems. So, in games that we call Sandbox,   like Grand Theft Auto, this is very powerful. It doesn't have to be violent to be powerful,  

  18. 00:08:30 --> 00:09:00

    but it's really like a Sandbox and you can try a lot of things,   that's really strong in autonomy. Or in a game like Minecraft, you also   can try a lot of things and you can also be creative and like just design what you want to   design; that's really strong autonomy. And last but not least, *relatedness*; we're a very social species; we would not have survived without each other, and so anytime we can have a  meaningful relationship and an activity,

  19. 00:09:00 --> 00:09:30

    that's going to make it more  intrinsically valuable. And so, there's a lot of focus on  competition, with, yes, it is a thing. But it's not as powerful as cooperation  actually, also especially for learning. And most games are cooperative; even  competitive games are oftentimes team-based, so you're cooperating within a team  and then competing against another team. So, a lot of games also are more popular  if they're multiplayer because of that

  20. 00:09:30 --> 00:10:00

    relatedness aspect, and now you can  see games like Roblox or Fortnite where it's just like hanging out  with friends, just dancing together,   watching a movie together. That's also relatedness. So, it's really, really important to think about  competence, autonomy, relatedness as they relate   to your product and how you can really put that emphasis for that to users. And some games have a good balance of  everything, like RPGs (Role-Playing Games).

  21. 00:10:00 --> 00:10:31

    You choose your role, so that's autonomy;  you're within a team, so that's relatedness, and hopefully you can accomplish  your role in the team. Like if you're the Healer, you have specific  tools to help so that you can heal your teammates on time and that's competence. But you have games like really super focused on one or two elements, like Minecraft is really, really the emphasis, like the power is really on autonomy. So, depending on what you're trying to  accomplish, try to think how you can

  22. 00:10:31 --> 00:11:00

    put forward competence, how people  are progressing, their autonomy; let them choose their path, their objectives,  or just let them customize their environments and relatedness, how can they play with friends or challenge others, their friends or cooperate  with them and help them out? So, and think about the extrinsic motivation  like the objectives and rewards and how they can support intrinsic  motivation. Like if they have a reward,

  23. 00:11:00 --> 00:11:13

    how does that reward make them more  competent or how does it make them having more autonomy? Maybe it's a reward that  helps them customize their environment. Or maybe it's a reward they can gift to  someone else, and that's relatedness.

Video games use different kinds of motivation to serve other purposes. Often extrinsic motivation rewards players in the short term. Intrinsic motivating factors keep players engaging with the product in a meaningful and enjoyable way. These primary motivators are:

  • Autonomy (feeling agency, acting by one's goals and values)

  • Competence (feeling able and effective)

  • Relatedness (feeling connected to others, a sense of belonging)

Gamification is a common method of inspiring motivation derived from game theory and video game development, even for products that aren’t games. They do this by introducing “game-like” elements, such as points and scoring, or adding nonessential but satisfying tasks that trigger a sense of accomplishment and achievement.

Gamified experiences that are not games can risk turning off users who want a more traditional experience, which is why UX research and usability testing are essential to get the balance right.

Extrinsic Motivation vs. Intrinsic Motivation

External rewards are standard in many interfaces. These are usually virtual rewards used in digital products but can also be real-world rewards like gift cards. Most of the time, external rewards won’t motivate your users for long. Designers need to tap into an internal motivation users already have, like a desire to achieve or a social connection.

For example, an award in a video game might be motivating. An award people can share with friends is more motivating because it taps into sociability and achievement drives.

However, providing extrinsic rewards will eventually result in diminishing returns. Games and gamified products require constant rewards to keep players engaged. Otherwise, players will stop playing.

The book Drive by Daniel Pink describes a study that suggested that extrinsic rewards will demotivate people in the long run.
The experiment divided preschool children into three groups before being allowed to draw. Each group had different rewards for drawing.

The groups were:

  • Expected award – each child was shown and promised a "Good Player" certificate before drawing.

  • Unexpected award – children in this group were shown nothing but received the "Good Player" certificate.

  • No award – these children were neither shown nor received the certificate.

Two weeks later, they brought the same children back to draw, but this time with no rewards for any group. The children not promised awards the first time were just as enthusiastic and drew the same amount of time. However, those previously in the expected award group showed less interest and spent less time drawing. Researchers found that extrinsic rewards made the children less motivated to draw unless rewarded, so without one, they lost interest.

The same is true with adults. Simply put, offering a reward in advance turns play into work. Intrinsic motivation is enough to sustain us when we perform activities of our own free will, with no compensation. With a promised reward, the task becomes a chore we do for a reward, not for its own sake.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should never use external rewards. Surveys often offer gift cards for completing them, mainly because it is not a sustained user experience. However, external rewards will not lead to prolonged customer engagement for interfaces that should be used over time.

Deceptive Patterns

It is essential to encourage certain behaviors from users. But designers can go too far. They can make something deliberately addictive or coerce or deceive users into something they don't want to do.

These are generally known as “dark patterns” or “deceptive patterns.” These are interfaces that deliberately misguide users to force certain behaviors.

For example, an app might make users feel like they are missing out on a chance to try something. That thing is always available, but the deception of a limited opportunity makes users more likely to engage. Another example is a task the user cannot easily back out of without closing the app, so they will be encouraged to complete it to save their progress.

Use intrinsic motivation as often as possible and avoid coercing users into behaviors they aren't comfortable with. Otherwise, you risk losing trust and possibly promoting unhealthy behaviors in your users. Using deceptive patterns or exploiting motivation may be profitable in the short term. However, it undercuts the long-term goal of a product that users value and enjoy.

Learn More About Motivation

How can interaction designers measure the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on user engagement?

Designers can use a combination of quantitative metrics (like usage statistics, completion rates, and achievement unlocks) and qualitative feedback (user interviews, surveys) to understand how motivation affects engagement.

What are some examples of extrinsic motivators in interaction design?

Extrinsic motivators can include points, badges, leaderboards, financial incentives, or social recognition features within a product.

Can extrinsic rewards in interaction design lead to long-term user engagement?

While extrinsic rewards can initially attract users, long-term engagement is more likely sustained by intrinsic factors. It's important to gradually shift the focus from extrinsic rewards to intrinsic values of the interaction.

How can interaction design effectively use extrinsic motivators without undermining intrinsic motivation?

Designers can balance extrinsic motivators, like rewards or social recognition, with elements that support intrinsic motivation, ensuring that extrinsic rewards do not overshadow the inherent value of the experience.

What is extrinsic motivation in interaction design?

Extrinsic motivation involves using or interacting with a design due to external rewards or pressures, rather than the enjoyment or satisfaction derived from the activity itself.

How can feedback mechanisms in interaction design boost intrinsic motivation?

Positive and constructive feedback mechanisms can boost intrinsic motivation by affirming users' competence and encouraging them to explore and interact further.

What role does user autonomy play in intrinsic motivation within interaction design?

User autonomy is crucial for intrinsic motivation; allowing users to make choices and control their interaction can increase their interest and engagement with the product.

Can gamification elements enhance intrinsic motivation in interactive products?

Yes, gamification elements like achievements, progress tracking, and personal challenges can enhance intrinsic motivation by making the interaction more engaging and rewarding in itself.

How can interaction design foster intrinsic motivation in users?

Designs can foster intrinsic motivation by creating engaging and satisfying experiences that align with the users' interests, challenges, and the joy of discovery.

What is intrinsic motivation in interaction design?

Intrinsic motivation refers to the drive to use or interact with a design because of an inherent interest or pleasure in the activity itself rather than for some separable outcome.

How can interaction designers balance intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

Balancing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation involves creating designs that reward users externally and resonate with them on a personal level. This can be achieved by aligning the design’s goals with the users' internal values and interests, offering choices that empower users, and providing challenges that match users' skill levels to promote a sense of achievement and progress.

What strategies can be employed in interaction design to improve user motivation?

To improve user motivation, interaction designers can employ various strategies, such as incorporating gamification elements to make the experience more engaging, personalizing the user experience to better meet individual needs and preferences, providing clear and meaningful feedback to encourage progress and achievement, and ensuring the usability and accessibility of the design to reduce barriers to engagement.

How does motivation affect user engagement in interaction design?

Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, plays a crucial role in user engagement. Intrinsically motivated users engage with a product because they find it inherently enjoyable or fulfilling, while extrinsically motivated users might be driven by external rewards or recognition. Understanding and designing for these motivational factors can significantly enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

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Literature on Motivation in UX/UI Design

Here's the entire UX literature on Motivation in UX/UI Design by the Interaction Design Foundation, collated in one place:

Learn more about Motivation in UX/UI Design

Take a deep dive into Motivation with our course Design for Thought and Emotion .

Throughout the course, the well-respected author and professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Alan Dix, will give valuable insights into the basics of thought and emotion. He will also touch on how these factors influence us as designers of interactive systems.

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