IxDF Ghaziabad
The Interaction Design Foundation's Ghaziabad Chapter is a place where you can connect with and share your personal interest and initiatives on interaction design. The idea behind creating this group is to promote the IxDF ideology in Ghaziabad. Our Slack workspace name is IxDF Ghaziabad and its URL is https://idfghaziabad.slack.com. I'd request all our members to join the slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/idfghaziabad/shared_invite/zt-6epnb1v4-vY_T6xk3g8sqweSUXwJV9g
The Interaction Design Foundation's Ghaziabad Chapter is a place where you can connect with and share your personal interest and initiatives on interaction design. The idea behind creating this group is to promote the IxDF ideology in Ghaziabad. Our Slack workspace name is IxDF Ghaziabad and its URL is https://idfghaziabad.slack.com. I'd request all our members to join the slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/idfghaziabad/shared_invite/zt-6epnb1v4-vY_T6xk3g8sqweSUXwJV9g