Sviatoslav Nytka's IxDF Course Certificate: User Research – Methods and Best Practices

The IxDF Course Certificate above is awarded to Sviatoslav Nytka with a Top 10% Distinction in formal recognition of their coursework surpassing the rigorous benchmarks of exceptional performance established by the IxDF Educational Codex.
Sviatoslav Nytka has mastered how to:
- Carry out user research, such as interviews and observations, to ensure that designs are relevant and provide a great user experience.
- Plan user research projects that are valid and ethically sound.
- Reduce time and cost of product design and development through fitting user research into design processes in the most optimal way.
- Provide actionable insights to stakeholders through effectively communicating the results of user research projects.
About the IxDF - Interaction Design Foundation
Founded in 2002, the Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF) sets the industry gold standard for learning design, with courses taught by experts from industry leaders such as NASA, Google, and Adobe.