Nikolaus Franke

Author: Nikolaus Franke

Professor Nikolaus Franke is Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. He is also Director of the TU/WU Entrepreneurship Center, a joint technology transfer organization together with the Technical University Vienna, Academic Director of the MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and founding member of the Research Institute for Family Business. Together with Professor Christopher Lettl he leads the User Innovation Research Initiative Vienna.

His research areas are user innovation, toolkits for user innovation, horizontal innovation networks, and more generally entrepreneurship, innovation management, and marketing. He has cooperated in his research with scholars from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Illinois, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, University of Bern, Technical University of Munich, Copenhagen Business School, University of Munich, and many others. His research projects have been financed by funds like Volkswagen Stiftung, Vienna Science and Technology Fund, and OeNB. Results have been presented on international conferences and published in academic journals like Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Marketing or Management Science. He received several awards for research and teaching and serves as co-editor of the Journal für Betriebswirtschaft (JfB) and as referee for numerous international journals, conferences, search committees, and funding organizations.

He is Scientific Director of the yearly competition “Top 100 - Germany's most innovative SME”. He is member of many juries and evaluation committees, for example of the Ernst & Young Austrian Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the Austrian National Innovation Award and the Rudolf Sallinger Award. He consulted many firms from start-ups to leading multinationals, and served as invited speaker in executive meetings worldwide.


Publication period start: 2003
Number of co-authors: 4


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Frank Piller
Martin Schreier
H. Reisinger

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Martin Schreier
H. Reisinger
Sonali Shah


Franke, Nikolaus, Piller, Frank (2004): Value Creation by Toolkits for User Innovation and Design: The Case of the Watch Market. In Journal of Product Innovation Management, 21 (6) pp. 401-415.

Schreier, Martin, Franke, Nikolaus (2004). Tom Sawyer's great law in action: Why users are willing to pay to design their own product. Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Franke, Nikolaus, Shah, Sonali (2003): How communities support innovative activities: an exploration of assistance and sharing am. In Research Policy, 32 (1) pp. 157-178.

Franke, Nikolaus, Reisinger, H. (2003). Remaining Within-Cluster Variance: a Meta-Analysis of the "Dark Side of Cluster Analysis".. Vienna Business University

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