Author: Philip Ross
dr.ir. Philip (P.R.) Ross is assistant professor. He graduated with honors (cum laude) for both his Master's degree in Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology and his PhD in Industrial Design at TU/e (2008). As well as publishing in several international journals and at conferences, he explores the impact of his scientific work in an industrial context through two patents, a protected design and a Valorization Grant. His award-winning design work is currently featured at a design exhibition. He is regularly invited to present his work internationally in both industry and the academic world. In 2006, he was invited teacher and researcher at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Design in Pittsburgh, USA.
Productive Colleagues
Ross, Philip (2008). Ethics and aesthetics in intelligent product and system design. University of Technology Eindhoven http://www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/p.r.ross/thesis/Ethics%20and%20aesthetics%20site/Home_files/Ross-thesis.pdf
Vastenburg, Martijn, Ross, Philip, Keyson, David (2007): A user experience-based approach to home atmosphere control. In Universal Access in the Information Society, 6 (1) pp. 1-13. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10209-006-0065-5
Hummels, Caroline, Ross, Philip, Overbeeke, Kees (2003): In Search of Resonant Human Computer Interaction: Building and Testing Aesthetic Installat. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT03: Human-Computer Interaction , 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. pp. 399.
Bhomer, Martijn ten, Aalst, Kirstin van der, Barakova, Emilia, Ross, Philip (2009): Product adaptivity through movement analysis: the case of the intelligent walk-in closet. In: Chen, Lin-Lin, Feijs, Loe, Hessler, Martina, Kyffin, Steven, Liu, Pei-Ling, Overbeeke, Kees, Young, Bob (eds.) Proceedings of Design and Semantics of Form and Movement DeSForM 2009 October 26-27, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 114-121. https://nuweb.northumbria.ac.uk/desform/2009/downloads/_PDFs/12_Martijn.pdf
Kint, Johanna M. L., Overbeeke, Kees J., Ross, Philip (2010): D'ou venons nous? Que sommes nous? Ou allons nous?. In: Aoussat, Ameziane, Shiizuka, Hisao, Chen, Kuohsiang (eds.) International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research March 2-4, 2010, Paris, France. https://www.tue.nl/en/university/departments/industrial-design/research/experts-expertise/detail/ep/p/d/ep-uid/234494/