Artificial Intelligence

Elsevier Science


McKeown, Kathleen R. (1985): Discourse strategies for generating natural-language text. In Artificial Intelligence, 27 (1) pp. 1-41.

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Kirsh, David (1995): The intelligent use of space. In Artificial Intelligence, 73 (0) pp. 31-68.

Kirsh, David (1995): The Intelligent Use of Space. In Artificial Intelligence, 73 (1) pp. 31-68.

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Dreyfus, Hubert L. (2007): Why Heideggerian AI failed and how fixing it would require making it more Heideggerian. In Artificial Intelligence, 171 (18) pp. 1137-1160.

Thomaz, Andrea L., Breazea, Cynthia (2008): Teachable robots: Understanding human teaching behavior to build more effective robot lear. In Artificial Intelligence, 172 (6) pp. 716-737.

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