International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction



Smith, Michael J., Salvendy, Gavriel (1989): Editorial. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (1) pp. 1-3.

Negroponte, Nicholas (1989): An Iconoclastic View Beyond the Desktop Metaphor. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (1) pp. 109-113.

Schleifer, Lawrence M., Amick III, Benjamin C. (1989): System Response Time and Method of Pay: Stress Effects in Computer-Based Tasks. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (1) pp. 23-39.

Potter, Richard E., Berman, Mitchell, Shneiderman, Ben (1989): An Experimental Evaluation of Three Touch Screen Strategies within a Hypertext Database. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (1) pp. 41-52.

Meister, David (1989): Lost in Computer Space. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (1) pp. 5-21.

Badre, Albert N., Russell, C. Ray (1989): The Effects of Withholding Information about Implementation Details on the Design of a Hum. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (1) pp. 53-67.

Cuomo, Donna L., Sharit, Joseph (1989): A Study of Human Performance in Computer-Aided Architectural Design. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (1) pp. 69-107.

Fukuzumi, Shin'ichi, Hayashi, Yoshio (1989): Luminance and Stimulus Purity of VDT Display Color in Terms of Readability. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (2) pp. 115-135.

Nielsen, Jakob (1989): What Do Users Really Want?. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (2) pp. 137-147.

Ostberg, Olov, Lindstrom, Bjorn, Renhall, Per-Olof (1989): Contribution of Display Size to Speech Intelligibility in Videophone Systems. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (2) pp. 149-159.

Sheu, P. C.-Y., Yoo, S. (1989): A Knowledge-Based Software Environment (KBSE) for Designing Concurrent Processes. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (2) pp. 161-185.

Jones, Dylan M., Hapeshi, Kevin (1989): Monitoring Speech Recognizer Feedback During Data Entry from Short-Term Memory: A Working . In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (2) pp. 187-209.

Eberts, Ray E., Majchrzak, Ann, Payne, Pamela, Salvendy, Gavriel (1990): Integrating Social and Cognitive Factors in Design of Human-Computer Interactive Communica. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (1) pp. 1-27.

Aaras, Arne (1990): Acceptable Muscle Load on the Neck and Shoulder Regions Assessed in Relation to the Incide. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (1) pp. 29-39.

Hwang, Sheue-Ling, Wang, Min-Yang, Her, Chih-Chin, Wu, Dung-Ming, Hwang, Cheng-Dow (1990): The Design Strategies of Chinese Information Display in Supervisory Control Systems. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (1) pp. 41-50.

Scholtz, Jean, Wiedenbeck, Susan (1990): Learning Second and Subsequent Programming Languages: A Problem of Transfer. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (1) pp. 51-72.

Shneiderman, Ben (1990): Future Directions for Human-Computer Interaction. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (1) pp. 73-90.

Beitz, Wolfgang, Langner, Thomas, Luczak, Holger, Muller, Thomas, Springer, Johannes (1990): Evaluation of a Compact CAD Course in Laboratory Experiments. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (2) pp. 111-135.

Westlander, Gunnela (1990): Use and Non-Use of VDTs -- Organization of Terminal Work: Research Findings from Swedish C. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (2) pp. 137-151.

McEniry, Mary C. (1990): Potentially Important Factors in the Success of Microcomputers in Small and Medium-Sized C. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (2) pp. 153-172.

Branscomb, Lewis M. (1990): Public Uses of Information Systems: Principles for Design and Application. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (2) pp. 173-181.

Rasmussen, Jens, Vicente, Kim J. (1990): Ecological Interfaces: A Technological Imperative in High-Tech Systems?. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (2) pp. 93-110.

Fukuzumi, Shin'ichi, Hayashi, Yoshio (1990): Dominant Wavelength and Stimulus Purity for VDT Display Color in Terms of Readability. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 185-201.

Scapin, Dominique L. (1990): Organizing Human Factors Knowledge for the Evaluation and Design of Interfaces. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 203-229.

LaLomia, Mary J., Sidowski, Joseph B. (1990): Measurements of Computer Satisfaction, Literacy, and Aptitudes: A Review. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 231-253.

Coll, Richard, Wingertsman III, John Carl (1990): The Effect of Screen Complexity on User Preference and Performance. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 255-265.

Mori, Hirohiko, Chung, Cheng Long, Kinoe, Yousuke, Hayashi, Yoshio (1990): An Adaptive Document Retrieval System Using a Neural Network. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 267-280.

Gibson, David (1990): "Information Technology: Agent of Change," by Murray Laver. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 281-282.

Garg-Janardan, Chaya (1990): "Cambridge Series on Human Computer Interaction 1: Cognitive Ergonomics and Human-Computer. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (3) pp. 283-284.

Karwowski, Waldemar, Kosiba, Eric, Benabdallah, Salah, Salvendy, Gavriel (1990): A Framework for Development of Fuzzy GOMS Model for Human-Computer Interaction. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (4) pp. 287-305.

Booth, Paul (1990): Identifying and Interpreting Design Errors. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (4) pp. 307-332.

Rao, Usha, Turoff, Murray (1990): Hypertext Functionality: A Theoretical Framework. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (4) pp. 333-357.

Gray, Susan H. (1990): Using Protocol Analyses and Drawings to Study Mental Model Construction During Hypertext N. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (4) pp. 359-377.

Whitaker, Leslie (1990): "Theories and Technologies of the Knowledge Society," edited by Niels Ole Finnemann. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (4) pp. 379.

Posey, Jack (1990): "The X Window System: Programming and Applications with Xt, OSF/Motif Edition,. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (4) pp. 380-381.

Smith, Karl U., Smith, Thomas J. (1991): A Study of Handwriting and Its Implications for Cognitive Considerations in Human-Computer. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (1) pp. 1-30.

Koubek, Richard J. (1991): "An Introduction to Human Computer Interaction," by Paul Booth. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (1) pp. 113-114.

Koubek, Richard J., Mountjoy, Daniel N. (1991): The Impact of Knowledge Representation on Cognitive-Oriented Task Performance. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (1) pp. 31-47.

Holcomb, Richard, Tharp, Alan L. (1991): What Users Say About Software Usability. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (1) pp. 49-78.

Toussea-Oulai, Alphonse, Ura, Shoji (1991): Information Technology Transfer: Problems Facing African Developing Nations. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (1) pp. 79-93.

Kato, Kanji, Ogawa, Katsuhiko, Tokunaga, Yukio (1991): Analysis and Classification of Operators' Demands for System Improvements. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (1) pp. 95-111.

Ulich, Eberhard, Rauterberg, Matthias, Moll, Thomas, Greutmann, Thomas, Strohm, Oliver (1991): Task Orientation and User-Oriented Dialog Design. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (2) pp. 117-144.

Tucker, Philip, Jones, Dylan M. (1991): Voice as Interface: An Overview. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (2) pp. 145-170.

LaLomia, Mary J., Sidowski, Joseph B. (1991): Measurements of Computer Attitudes: A Review. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (2) pp. 171-197.

Corritore, Cynthia L., Wiedenbeck, Susan (1991): What Do Novices Learn During Program Comprehension?. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (2) pp. 199-222.

Kobayashi, Koji (1991): Information Society and Information Technology. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (2) pp. 223-237.

Gallimore, Jennie J. (1991): "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition)," by James D. Foley, Andries van. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (2) pp. 239-240.

Horn, Jay A. (1991): "Expert Systems: Human Issues," edited by Dianne Berry & Anna Hart. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (2) pp. 241-242.

Saito, Shin, Saito, Susumu, Ohkubo, Takao (1991): An Evaluation of VDT Operations through the Two-Dimensional Analysis of Fixation Points. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (3) pp. 245-252.

Mori, Hirohiko, Kinoe, Yousuke, Seto, Kazuhiko, Hayashi, Yoshio (1991): Cooperative Document Retrieval Making User's Ill-Defined Query Evolve. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (3) pp. 253-266.

Nagamachi, Mitsuo (1991): An Image Technology Expert System and Its Application to Design Consultation. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (3) pp. 267-279.

Tsuchiya, Kazuo (1991): Reconsidering Engineering Efficiency from the Viewpoint of the Disabled: The Final Report . In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (3) pp. 281-293.

Hatta, Kazutoshi, Iiyama, Yuji (1991): Ergonomic Study of Automatic Teller Machine Operability. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (3) pp. 295-309.

Saito, Kazuo, Hosokawa, Toshiyuki (1991): Basic Study of the VRT (Visual Reaction Test): The Effects of Illumination and Luminance. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (3) pp. 311-316.

Macomber, Gary L. (1991): "Computer-Aided Ergonomics," edited by W. Karwowski, A. M. Genaidy, & S. S. Asfout. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (3) pp. 317-318.

Kahn, Howard, Cooper, Cary L. (1991): The Potential Contribution of Information Technology to the Mental Ill Health, Job Dissati. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (4) pp. 321-338.

Lindstrom, Kari (1991): Well-Being and Computer-Mediated Work of Various Occupational Groups in Banking and Insura. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (4) pp. 339-361.

Andries, Frank, Bijleveld, Catrien C. J. H., Pot, Frank D. (1991): Working Conditions and Mental Strain of Automation Personnel. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (4) pp. 363-373.

Springer, Johannes, Langner, Thomas, Luczak, Holger, Beitz, Wolfgang (1991): Experimental Comparison of CAD Systems by Stressor Variables. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (4) pp. 375-405.

Sauter, Steven L. (1991): Job Stress and Human-Computer Interaction. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (4) pp. iii-iv.

Green, T. R. G., Gilmore, David J., Blumenthal, B. B., Davies, S., Winder, R. (1992): Towards a Cognitive Browser for OOPS. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (1) pp. 1-34.

Payne, Stephen J., Howes, Andrew, Hill, Elain (1992): Conceptual Instructions Derived from an Analysis of Device Models. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (1) pp. 35-57.

Eberts, Ray E., Villegas, Leticia, Phillips, Colleen, Eberts, Cindelyn (1992): Using Neural Net Modeling for User Assistance in HCI Tasks. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (1) pp. 59-77.

Hapeshi, Kevin, Jones, Dylan (1992): Interactive Multimedia for Instruction: A Cognitive Analysis of the Role of Audition and V. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (1) pp. 79-99.

Morrison, David L. (1992): The Applications of Cognitive Theory and Science to HCI: A Psychological Perspective. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (1) pp. iii-v.

Eberleh, Edmund, Korfmacher, Wilfried, Streitz, Norbert A. (1992): Thinking or Acting? Mental Workload and Subjective Preferences for a Command Code and a Di. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (2) pp. 105-122.

Huuhtanen, Pekka, Leino, Tuula (1992): The Impact of New Technology by Occupation and Age on Work in Financial Firms: a 2-Year Fo. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (2) pp. 123-142.

Davis, Sid, Bostrom, Robert (1992): An Experimental Investigation of the Roles of the Computer Interface and Individual Charac. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (2) pp. 143-172.

Tanaka, Toshiko, Yamamoto, Sakae (1992): VDT Work Affects Urinary Excretion of Catecholamines in the Young. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (2) pp. 173-181.

Bastien, J. M. Christian, Scapin, Dominique L. (1992): A Validation of Ergonomic Criteria for the Evaluation of Human-Computer Interfaces. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (2) pp. 183-196.

Bergqvist, Ulf, Knave, Bengt, Voss, Mararetha, Wibom, Roger (1992): A Longitudinal Study of VDT Work and Health. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (2) pp. 197-219.

Ryan, G. Anthony (1992): Effects of an Episode of Intensive Keying on Data Process Operators. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (2) pp. 221-226.

Henning, Robert A., Sauter, Steven L., Krieg, Edward F. (1992): Work Rhythm and Physiological Rhythms in Repetitive Computer Work: Effects of Synchronizat. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (3) pp. 233-243.

Carayon-Sainfort, Pascale (1992): The Use of Computers in Offices: Impact on Task Characteristics and Worker Stress. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (3) pp. 245-261.

Piotrkowski, Chaya S., Cohen, Barbara G. F., Coray, Kevin E. (1992): Working Conditions and Well-Being Among Women Office Workers. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (3) pp. 263-281.

Westlander, Gunnela, Aberg, Elisabeth (1992): Variety in VDT Work: An Issue for Assessment in Work Environment Research. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (3) pp. 283-301.

Booth, Paul (1992): "User Interface Design," by Harold Thimbleby. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (3) pp. 303-305.

LaLomia, Mary J. (1992): "Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Computing," by Tom Forester and. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (3) pp. 303-305.

Salvendy, Gavriel, Smith, Michael J., Oshima, Masamitsu (1992): Editorial Note. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (3) pp. iii.

Zapf, Dieter, Brodbeck, Felix C., Frese, Michael, Peters, Helmut, Prumper, Jochen (1992): Errors in Working in Office Computers: A First Validation of a Taxonomy for Observed Error. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (4) pp. 311-339.

Ware, Colin, Bonner, Joseph, Knight, William, Cater, Rod (1992): Moving Icons as a Human Interrupt. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (4) pp. 341-348.

Mulvihill, Conn, McDermott, Gabriel (1992): Focused Interaction in Dialogues. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (4) pp. 349-368.

Seagull, F. Jacob, Walker, Neff (1992): The Effects of Hierarchical Structure and Visualization Ability on Computerized Informatio. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (4) pp. 369-385.

Marek, Tadeusz, Noworol, Czeslaw, Wos, Henryk, Karwowski, Waldemar, Hamiga, Krzysztof (1992): Muscular Loading and Subjective Ratings of Muscular Tension by Novices when Typing with St. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (4) pp. 387-394.

Czaja, Sara J., Sharit, Joseph (1993): Stress Reactions to Computer-Interactive Tasks as a Function of Task Structure and Individ. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (1) pp. 1-22.

Milech, Dan, Kirsner, Kim, Roy, Geoffrey, Waters, Brook (1993): Applications of Psychology to Computer-Based Tutoring Systems. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (1) pp. 23-40.

Speelman, Craig P., Kirsner, Kim (1993): New Goals for HCI Training: How to Mix Old and New Skills in the Trainee. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (1) pp. 41-69.

Pollock, Clare, Kanachowski, Andrew (1993): Application of Theories of Decision Making to Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS). In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (1) pp. 71-94.

Bringelson, Liwana S. (1993): "Systems that Support Decision Makers: Description and Analysis," by Mark S. Silver. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (1) pp. 95-96.

Cordes, Richard (1993): The Relationship between Post-Task and Continuous-Vicarious Ratings of Difficulty. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (2) pp. 115-127.

Patrick, Andrew S., Jacques-Locmelis, Wendy, Whalen, Thomas (1993): The Role of Previous Questions and Answers in Natural Language Dialogues with Computers. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (2) pp. 129-145.

Smelcer, John B., Walker, Neff (1993): Transfer of Knowledge Across Computer Command Menus. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (2) pp. 147-165.

Ogawa, Katsuhiko (1993): A Complexity Measure of Task Content in Information-Input Tasks. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (2) pp. 167-188.

Bisant, David B., Groninger, Lowell (1993): Cognitive Processes in Software Fault Detection: A Review and Synthesis. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (2) pp. 189-206.

Benysh, Darel V., Koubek, Richard J., Calvez, Vance (1993): A Comparative Review of Knowledge Structure Measurement Techniques for Interface Design. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (3) pp. 211-237.

LaLomia, Mary J., Sidowski, Joseph B. (1993): Measurements of Computer Anxiety: A Review. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (3) pp. 239-266.

Kroemer, K. H. E. (1993): Operation of Ternary Chorded Keys. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (3) pp. 267-288.

Marmaras, Nicholas, Lyritzis, Kostas (1993): Design of an Alternative Keyboard Layout for the Greek Language. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (3) pp. 289-310.

Saito, Susumu, Taptagaporn, Sasitorn, Salvendy, Gavriel (1993): Visual Comfort in Using Different VDT Screens. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (4) pp. 313-323.

Davies, Simon P. (1993): The Structure and Content of Programming Knowledge: Disentangling Training and Language Ef. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (4) pp. 325-346.

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