Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children

ACM Press
IDC - Interaction Design and Children
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The IDC conference is a leading international forum for exploring childrens' and youngsters' needs in relationship to technology, i.e. exploring how to create interactive products for and with them, and investigating how technology-mediated experiences affect their life.

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Cole, Charlotte (2008): The world\'s longest street: how Sesame Street is working to meet a diversity of children\. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 01.

Ackermann, Edith (2008): Toys to fall for or live with?. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 02.

Alfano, Kathleen (2008): What works, what doesn\'t, and/or how to make it work?. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 03.

Strommen, Erik (2008): Testing interfaces that do not exist. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 04.

Traylor, Scott (2008): Rethinking product research when time is on your side, but funds are not!. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 05.

Gee, James Paul (2008): What\'s a screen mean in a video game?. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 06.

Anderson, Dan (2008): Dan Anderson -- University of Massachusetts, Amherst. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 07.

Shribman, Bill (2008): Thinking inside the box: tales from the trenches. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 08.

Guernsey, Lisa (2008): Screen cultures: cross-pollination between videogame and television research. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 09.

Charoenying, Timothy (2008): Accountable game designs for classroom learning. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 1-5.

Garzotto, Franca, Schelhowe, Heidi (2008): Marginalized young people: inclusion through ICT. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 101-104.

Dervan, Siobhán, Hall, Tony, Knight, Sarah (2008): Interaction design for kid\'s technology-enhanced environmental education. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 105-108.

Goodwin, Matthew S., Intille, Stephen S., Velicer, Wayne F., Groden, June (2008): Sensor-enabled detection of stereotypical motor movements in persons with autism spectrum . In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 109-112.

Ito, Toshitaka, Nguyen, Tuan Ngoc, Sugimoto, Masanori (2008): A storytelling support system using robots and handheld projectors. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 113-116.

Markopoulos, Panos, Verschoor, Yvo, IJsselsteijn, Wijnand, Ruyter, Boris de (2008): Testing interactive products with the robot intervention method. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 117-120.

Monibi, Mohamad, Hayes, Gillian R. (2008): Mocotos: mobile communications tools for children with special needs. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 121-124.

Moura, Heloisa, Fahnstrom, Dale, Prygrocki, Greg, McLeish, T. J. (2008): Designing ThinkeringSpaces. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 125-128.

Nelson, Elia J., Freier, Nathan G. (2008): Push-me, pull-me: describing and designing technologies for varying degrees of reflection . In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 129-132.

Girard, Sylvie, Johnson, Hilary (2008): Designing and evaluating affective open-learner modeling tutors. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 13-16.

Paulson, Brandon, Eoff, Brian, Wolin, Aaron, Johnston, Joshua, Hammond, Tracy (2008): Sketch-based educational games: \"drawing\" kids away from traditional interfaces. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 133-136.

Peppler, Kylie A., Kafai, Yasmin B. (2008): Youth as media art designers: workshops for creative coding. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 137-140.

Reichel, Milena, Schelhowe, Heidi (2008): Living labs: driving innovation through civic involvement. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 141-144.

Riekhoff, Joanne, Markopoulos, Panos (2008): Sampling young children\'s experiences with cultural probes. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 145-148.

Shimabukuro, Renata Yumi (2008): Designing an interactive spoken help application for preschool children. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 149-152.

Silva, Maria Joao, Pestana, Bruno, Lopes, João Correia (2008): Using a mobile phone and a geobrowser to create multisensory geographic information. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 153-156.

Smith, Andrew Cyrus (2008): Handcrafted physical syntax elements for illetterate children: initial concepts. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 157-160.

Tarumi, Hiroyuki, Yamada, Keitaro, Daikoku, Takafumi, Kusunoki, Fusako, Inagaki, Shigenori, Takenaka, Makiko, Hayashi, Toshihiro, Yano, Masahiko (2008): KEI-time traveler: visiting a past world with mobile phones to enhance learning motivation. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 161-164.

Wong, Wilkey, Uribe-Zarain, Ximena, Golinkoff, Roberta, Fisher, Kelly, Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy (2008): Parents\' views of the benefits claimed in educational toy advertising. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 165-168.

Noack, Nicholas, Lindtner, Silvia, Nguyen, Josef, Hayes, Gillian R. (2008): LoRy: a locative story game to encourage playful and social learning. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 169-170.

Hengeveld, Bart, Voort, Riny, Hummels, Caroline, Overbeeke, Kees, Moor, Jan de, Balkom, Hans van (2008): LinguaBytes. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 17-20.

Ohring, Peter (2008): Web-based multi-player games to encourage flexibility and social interaction in high-funct. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 171-172.

Silver, Jay (2008): Camera for the invisible. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 173-174.

Staudt, Carolyn, Zucker, Andrew, Hazzard, Ed, McIntyre, Cynthia, Fentress, Sam (2008): Universal design for learning in science: more than multiple representations. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 175-177.

Antle, Alissa N., Droumeva, Milena, Corness, Greg (2008): Playing with the sound maker: do embodied metaphors help children learn?. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 178-185.

Garzotto, Franca (2008): Broadening children\'s involvement as design partners: from technology to \"experience. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 186-193.

Horn, Michael S., Solovey, Erin Treacy, Jacob, Robert J. K. (2008): Tangible programming and informal science learning: making TUIs work for museums. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 194-201.

Hourcade, Juan Pablo, Perry, Keith B., Sharma, Aditya (2008): PointAssist: helping four year olds point with ease. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 202-209.

Horn, Michael S. (2008): Tangible computer programming for informal science learning. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 21-24.

Huang, Kevin, Smith, Jesse, Spreen, Kimberly, Jones, Mary Frances (2008): Breaking the sound barrier: designing an interactive tool for language acquisition in pres. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 210-216.

Katterfeldt, Eva-Sophie, Schelhowe, Heidi (2008): A modelling tool to support children making their ideas work. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 218-225.

Lamberty, K. K. (2008): Creating mathematical artifacts: extending children\'s engagement with math beyond the cla. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 226-233.

Malcolm, Peter, Moher, Tom, Bhatt, Darshan, Uphoff, Brian, López-Silva, Brenda (2008): Embodying scientific concepts in the physical space of the classroom. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 234-241.

Scharf, Florian, Winkler, Thomas, Herczeg, Michael (2008): Tangicons: algorithmic reasoning in a collaborative game for children in kindergarten and . In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 242-249.

Millner, Amon (2008): Supporting children as they program to make physical and virtual objects interact. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 25-28.

Teh, James Keng Soon, Cheok, Adrian David, Peiris, Roshan L., Choi, Yongsoon, Thuong, Vuong, Lai, Sha (2008): Huggy Pajama: a mobile parent and child hugging communication system. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 250-257.

Sturm, Janienke, Bekker, Tilde, Groenendaal, Bas, Wesselink, Rik, Eggen, Berry (2008): Key issues for the successful design of an intelligent, interactive playground. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 258-265.

Thang, Binh, Sluis-Thiescheffer, Wouter, Bekker, Tilde, Eggen, Berry, Vermeeren, Arnold, Ridder, Huib de (2008): Comparing the creativity of children\'s design solutions based on expert assessment. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 266-273.

Virnes, Marjo, Sutinen, Erkki, Kärnä-Lin, Eija (2008): How children\'s individual needs challenge the design of educational robotics. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 274-281.

Weller, Michael Philetus, Do, Ellen Yi-Luen, Gross, Mark D. (2008): Escape machine: teaching computational thinking with a tangible state machine game. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 282-289.

Virnes, Marjo (2008): Robotics in special needs education. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 29-32.

Yarosh, Svetlana (2008): Supporting parent-child interaction in divorced families. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 33-36.

Barakova, Emilia, Gillesen, Jan, Feijs, Loe (2008): Use of goals and dramatic elements in behavioral training of children with ASD. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 37-40.

Bozelle, Christelle, Betrancourt, Mireille, Deriaz, Marielle, Pelizzone, Marco (2008): Evaluation of technology acceptance of a computer rehabilitation tool. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 41-44.

Leo, Gianluca De, Leroy, Gondy (2008): Smartphones to facilitate communication and improve social skills of children with severe . In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 45-48.

Feil-Seifer, David, Mataric\', Maja (2008): Robot-assisted therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 49-52.

Daily, Shaundra Bryant, Brennan, Karen (2008): Utilizing technology to support the development of empathy. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 5-8.

Fickas, Stephen, Sohlberg, McKay, Prideaux, Jason (2008): TREK: transportation research, education, and knowledge. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 53-56.

Gillette, Daniel (2008): Developing a multi-user virtual environment for adolescent psychotherapy. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 57-60.

Guha, Mona Leigh, Druin, Allison, Fails, Jerry Alan (2008): Designing with and for children with special needs: an inclusionary model. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 61-64.

Hayes, Gillian R., Patterson, Donald J., Monibi, Mohamad, Kaufman, Samuel J. (2008): Interactive and intelligent visual communication systems. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 65-68.

Hornof, Anthony (2008): Working with children with severe motor impairments as design partners. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 69-72.

Hurewitz, Felicia, Beals, Katharine (2008): A role for grammar in autism CAIs. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 73-76.

Kaliouby, Rana El, Goodwin, Matthew S. (2008): iSET: interactive social-emotional toolkit for autism spectrum disorder. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 77-80.

Merryman, Julia, Tartaro, Andrea, Arie, Miri, Cassell, Justine (2008): Designing virtual peers for assessment and intervention for children with autism. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 81-84.

Schmidt, Carla, Schmidt, Matthew (2008): Three-dimensional virtual learning environments for mediating social skills acquisition am. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 85-88.

Westeyn, Tracy L., Kientz, Julie A., Starner, Thad E., Abowd, Gregory D. (2008): Designing toys with automatic play characterization for supporting the assessment of a chi. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 89-92.

Ficheman, Irene Karaguilla, Lopes, Roseli de Deus (2008): Digital learning ecosystems: authoring, collaboration, immersion and mobility. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 9-12.

Decortis, Francoise, Lentini, Laura (2008): Semiotics artifacts, space and community: a case study on pinholes. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 93-96.

Blas, Nicoletta di, Poggi, Caterina (2008): Can ICT support inclusion?: evidence from multi-user edutainment experiences based on 3D w. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC08 Interaction Design and Children , 2008, . pp. 97-100.

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