A selection of wireframes and mockups.

The Top UX and UI Design Tools for 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

by Mads Soegaard | | 52 min read

The realm of design is constantly evolving, fueled by a relentless pursuit of improved user experiences (UX) and more intuitive user interface design. At the heart of this evolution lie UX and UI design tools – powerful software solutions that enable designers to create, test, and refine digital interfaces. From sketching initial ideas to conducting comprehensive usability testing, these tools form the bedrock of modern design workflows.

UI and UX design tools are more than mere software; they're the catalysts that transform design thinking into tangible outcomes. They enable designers to breathe life into their ideas and turn abstract concepts into interaction designs that resonate with end-users. They also serve as the testing grounds where you can refine, iterate upon, and perfect these designs.

Illustrating the power of good design, Forrester's research found that a well-crafted UI can potentially increase website conversion rates by up to 200%. Even more impressive, improved UX design can boost conversions by a staggering 400%. Furthermore, a study found that an overwhelming 94% of first impressions of a brand's website are design-related. 

These statistics underscore the immense impact that effective UI and UX design can have on a brand's success.

Here, we aim to guide you through the top UI and UX design tools in 2024 to help you stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced design industry. 

So, let's dive in and explore the world of UI and UX design tools that are shaping the future of digital experiences.

Overview of UX And UI Design Tools

UI/UX design tools are specialized software applications that help designers create, modify, and explore user interfaces and user experiences. They encompass a broad range of functionalities, from sketching and wireframing to prototyping and usability testing. These tools are an essential part of a designer's toolkit. They use these tools to turn abstract ideas into user-friendly designs that meet and exceed user expectations in seamless experiences.

Key Features, Strengths, and Use Cases of Popular Ul and UX Design Tools

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The importance of UI and UX design and prototyping tools in the design process cannot be overstated. They facilitate a user-centered design approach, allowing designers to do user research to understand user needs, behaviors, and preferences. This insight is invaluable in creating intuitive, engaging, and effective designs. Furthermore, these tools help streamline the design process as they provide a unified platform for collaboration and feedback. This reduces the time and effort required to bring a design from concept to completion.

Learn more about user research here and why it’s crucial in the design process.

Over the years, UI and UX design tools have evolved significantly, mirroring the rapid technological advancements and shifts in user behavior. 

In the early days of web design, for instance, designers relied heavily on basic graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop to create static mockups of web pages. However, as the internet became more interactive and dynamic, these tools proved inadequate for designing complex interfaces and interactions.

To address this, new tools were developed that offered more advanced functionalities, such as interactive prototyping and real-time collaboration. Sketch, for example, revolutionized the design industry with its vector-based interface and extensive plugin ecosystem. Meanwhile, tools like Figma and InVision brought design collaboration tools to the cloud, allowing teams to work together in real time, regardless of location.

In 2024, the landscape of UI and UX design tools will be more diverse and influential than ever before. Some of the popular tools that designers use today include:

  • Adobe XD: This all-in-one UX/UI design software allows for wireframing, prototyping, and collaboration in the same platform.

  • Figma: Known for its cloud-based interface, Figma enables real-time collaboration, making it a favorite among design teams.

  • Sketch: Although the Sketch app is only available for macOS, Sketch has a robust set of features and an extensive plugin ecosystem, making it a powerful tool for user experience design.

  • InVision: InVision offers a suite of tools for prototyping, collaboration, and workflow management, making it a comprehensive solution for design teams.

  • Axure RP: This tool stands out for its advanced prototyping capabilities, allowing designers to create highly interactive and dynamic prototypes.

Each of these tools has its own strengths and unique features. The choice often depends on the designer's or the design team's specific needs and preferences. The following sections will delve deeper into these tools, discussing their features, pros and cons, and best use cases.

Types of UI and UX Design Tools

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(Learn how deep knowledge of design principles helps you fully leverage these tools.)

In the ever-expanding world of UI and UX design, various tools cater to different stages of the design process. From wireframing to prototyping to graphic design, each type of tool brings unique benefits and addresses distinct challenges. Here, we delve into the diverse UI and UX design tools landscape.

Benefits and Functionalities of Prototyping Tools

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  1. Wireframing Tools

Wireframing tools are the blueprint machines of the design process. They allow designers to create a skeletal layout of a web page or app, laying the groundwork for more detailed design work. The primary function of a wireframe is to illustrate the page structure, content arrangement, and intended functionalities.

These tools are crucial in the early design stages as they help clarify the project's scope and facilitate stakeholder communication. They are relatively simple and quick to use, allowing you, as a designer, to make swift changes and iterations.

Benefits: Wireframing software expedites the initial design phase by providing simple drag-and-drop elements, making it easy to visualize the layout. They facilitate rapid iterations and allow you to explore different layout options. Also, they establish the basic structure before you get to the detailed design. Wireframes also have the advantage of looking malleable. Colleagues and users are less reluctant to suggest changes compared to high-fidelity prototypes.

Limitations: Wireframes lack the visual design appeal of a fully designed interface. This may make it challenging for stakeholders unfamiliar with the design process to envision the final product.

Examples: Balsamiq, Sketch, and Adobe XD are popular choices for wireframing due to their simplicity and efficiency.

  1. Prototyping Tools

Once the basic structure of the design is in place, prototyping tools come into play. These tools allow designers to create interactive mockups and showcase how the final product will work. This includes everything from button interactions and animations to transitions and user flow.

Prototyping tools are vital for usability testing, as they provide a hands-on experience of the design before any coding begins. They help identify potential issues and improvements to reduce the risk of costly changes later in development.

Benefits: Prototypes give a real feel for the user experience, enabling you to identify and resolve usability issues early in the process. They also help communicate design ideas more effectively to stakeholders for better feedback and alignment.

Limitations: Creating high-fidelity prototypes can be time-consuming. Moreover, some prototyping tools may have limitations in simulating complex interactions. It may lead to discrepancies between the prototype and the final product.

Examples: Figma, InVision, and Axure RP are renowned for their prototyping capabilities. They provide a wide array of interactive elements and transition effects.

  1. Graphic Design Software

For the visual refinement of a design, graphic design software is the tool of choice. They offer a high level of control over the visual elements of a design, from typography and color to imagery and iconography. They are essential for creating the final look and feel of a product.

Benefits: Graphic design software offers extensive features that help create and manipulate visual elements. They allow you to achieve the exact look and feel they envision. They also support various file formats to help you work with multiple assets.

Limitations: Graphic design tools often have a steep learning curve due to their complex functionality. Moreover, they typically focus on creating static assets and may lack the collaborative and interactive features found in UX/UI design software.

Examples: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are industry standards for graphic design. Affinity Designer is another powerful alternative that is gaining popularity.

  1. User research tools

User research tools are critical instruments used to gather insights about users’ behaviors, needs, and motivations. These tools help understand the user journey, identify pain points, and craft a user experience that is intuitive and satisfying for the end user.

Benefits: User research tools provide data-driven insights that can inform every stage of the design process to create user-centric products. They allow researchers to test hypotheses, validate designs, and understand user needs and preferences in a detailed manner.

Limitations: The effectiveness of user research tools largely depends on the sample size and representativeness of the user group involved in the research. These tools also require time and resources to set up and analyze. Sometimes, the data can be overwhelming and challenging to interpret without the right expertise.

Examples: SurveyMonkey and Google Forms are simple, accessible tools for conducting surveys and Lookback for user interviews. UserTesting provides audio and video feedback from users interacting with your designs. UX research tools like Hotjar offer heatmaps, session recordings, and other tools for understanding user behavior on a website. For early design, products such as Optimal Workshop provide card sorting, tree sorting and first-click testing.

See our course Data-Driven Design to learn about early-design testing.

Criteria for Choosing UI and UX Design Tools

Choosing the right UI and UX design tools is critical in the design process. They impact everything from productivity and collaboration to the quality of the final product. Here are some key factors that you should consider when selecting their tools.

  1. Ease of Use

One of the first considerations when choosing UX or UI design software is its ease of use. An intuitive interface with straightforward functionalities can enhance the design process. It allows you to efficiently create, iterate, and test your ideas. Conversely, a tool with a steep learning curve can become a hurdle and hinder progress and creativity. 

It's essential to consider how quickly you can adapt to a new tool and whether it has a supportive community or resources for troubleshooting and learning.

  1. Features

The features offered by a design tool should align with the requirements of your project. If you need to create high-fidelity interactive prototypes, a tool with advanced prototyping capabilities like Figma or Axure RP might be preferable. 

A tool like Balsamiq or Sketch could be sufficient to create wireframes or static design layouts. Identifying your needs and matching them with the tool's features is essential.

  1. Cost

While some design tools are free, others come with a cost, either as a one-time purchase or a recurring subscription fee. It's essential to consider the tool's price relative to its features and its value to your design process. 

Remember, the most expensive tool isn't always the best. Many affordable or free tools offer robust functionalities catering to various design needs.

  1. Platform Compatibility

The tool's compatibility with your operating system is another crucial factor. Some tools, like the Sketch app, are exclusive to macOS, while others, like Adobe XD and Figma, are available on multiple platforms. If you're part of a team, choosing a tool everyone can use, regardless of its operating system, is imperative.

Design Collaboration Tools

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Tips and Best Practices for Using UI and UX Design Tools

Once you've chosen the right tool, the next step is to use it effectively. Here are a few best practices to enhance your design process:

  1. Leverage Templates and UI Kits: Many UI and UX design tools offer pre-built templates and UI kits that can fast-track your design process. These resources provide pre-designed components that you can customize to fit your project's needs.

  2. Use Grids and Layouts: Grids help maintain alignment and consistency in your design. They provide a structured layout that can guide the placement of elements to ensure a balanced and organized design.

  3. Master Shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up your design process. Familiarize yourself with the shortcuts of your chosen tool to perform actions quickly and efficiently.

  4. Sync with a Design System: A design system can keep everyone on the same page if you work on a large project or as part of a team. It establishes a shared language and set of components for consistency across designs.

  5. Prototype Early and Often: Prototyping is not a one-time process. It's best to start prototyping early in the design process and continue iterating based on feedback and usability testing.

  6. Stay Organized: Keep your design files and layers neatly organized. This will make navigating your design, making changes, and collaborating with others easier.

  7. Keep Learning: UI and UX design tools continually evolve, with new features and improvements regularly added. Stay updated with the latest advancements and learn to incorporate them into your design process.

  8. Prioritize Accessibility: Ensure your designs are accessible to as many users as possible. Use adequate color contrasts, legible fonts, and clear navigation to make your designs inclusive and user-friendly. Many design tools offer features to test and improve accessibility.

Top UI and UX Design Tools in 2024

1. Figma

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Figma is a cloud-based design tool known for its collaborative features. It allows multiple designers to work on a project simultaneously, which makes it a popular choice for design teams.

Unique Features: Figma supports advanced drawing tools, components, and real-time collaboration. You can create interactive wireframes within the application. Figma promotes design asset management and provides design systems that promote consistency across designs.

Pricing Model: Figma offers a free tier for individuals. For additional features, Figma Professional is available for $12 per editor/month, and Figma Organization is available for $45 per editor/month.

Pros: Figma's cloud-based nature makes it accessible from any system with a browser. It also promotes seamless collaboration between team members.

Cons: Some users report that Figma can be slower than other design tools, particularly for larger design files.

2. Adobe XD

Adobe XD

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Adobe XD is a powerful tool for creating user interfaces and interactive prototypes. It's part of Adobe's Creative Cloud, making integration with other Adobe tools easy.

Unique Features: XD supports voice prototyping and auto-animate features. It also provides a repeat grid tool for duplicating design elements and integrating them with other Adobe applications like Photoshop and Illustrator.

Pricing Model: Adobe XD is free for one shared document and 2GB of cloud storage. Paid plans start at $9.99/month and offer unlimited shared documents and 100GB of cloud storage.

Pros: XD's integration with other Adobe tools can be a significant advantage for designers familiar with the ecosystem.

Cons: Adobe XD lacks some advanced features, like micro-interactions and responsive resizing, available in other design tools.

3. Sketch


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Sketch is a vector graphics editor tool for macOS known for its simplicity and efficiency. It's widely used for creating interfaces, icons, and web development.

Unique Features: Sketch provides symbols and styles for reusable components, plugins for extended functionality, and shared libraries for team collaboration.

Pricing Model: Sketch costs $99 annually, with a free trial available. The license includes updates for one year, and you can continue to use the last version you downloaded even after the license expires.

Pros: Sketch's extensive plugin ecosystem offers a highly customizable design experience.

Cons: Sketch app is only available for macOS, which limits its use to designers who work on different operating systems.

4. InVision


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InVision is a comprehensive tool for designing and prototyping user interfaces. It's part of the InVision suite of tools, including InVision Cloud, for collaboration and feedback.

Unique Features: Studio offers responsive design, rapid prototyping, and advanced animations. It also integrates with InVision Cloud for sharing and gathering feedback on designs.

Pricing Model: InVision Studio is free to use. Other InVision tools, such as InVision Cloud, offer both free and paid plans starting at $7.95 per month.

Pros: InVision Studio's prototyping features and seamless integration with InVision Cloud make it a robust tool for both design and collaboration.

Cons: Some users find InVision Studio less intuitive than other design tools and may require a steeper learning curve.

5. Axure RP


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Axure RP is a comprehensive tool for wireframing, prototyping, and documenting design projects. It's known for its detailed specifications, documentation capabilities, and dynamic, conditional interactions.

Unique Features: Axure RP allows designers to create highly interactive and dynamic prototypes with conditional logic, variables, and adaptive views. It also supports collaborative editing and automated specification documentation.

Pricing Model: Axure RP offers a 30-day free trial. After that, the pricing starts at $25 per user/month for the pro edition and $42 per user/month for the team edition.

Pros: Axure RP's advanced interaction features make it ideal for complex projects and detailed prototyping.

Cons: With its many features, Axure RP can be overwhelming for beginners and might require more time to master.

6. Balsamiq


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Balsamiq is a wireframing tool that helps designers and product managers create mockups quickly. It's designed to mimic the speed and simplicity of sketching on a whiteboard.

Unique Features: Balsamiq provides an extensive library of UI components and icons, drag-and-drop functionality, and sketch-style wireframes for a low-fidelity look.

Pricing Model: Balsamiq offers a 30-day free trial. Pricing starts at $9 monthly for two projects, with more extensive plans available.

Pros: Balsamiq's simplicity makes it a good starting point for beginners or quick, low-fidelity wireframes.

Cons: Balsamiq is less suitable for high-fidelity designs and interactive prototypes. It's best used for early-stage concept development.

7. Marvel


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Marvel is a user-friendly design platform that supports wireframing, prototyping, user testing, and design handoff. It's known for its simplicity and ease of use.

Unique Features: Marvel allows designers to create interactive prototypes without any coding. It also offers user testing features like user flows, heatmaps, and screen recordings.

Pricing Model: Marvel offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $12 per user/month.

Pros: Marvel's user testing features provide valuable insights into how users interact with your designs.

Cons: While Marvel is great for simple projects, it needs more advanced features for more complex designs.

Each of these tools offers unique features and capabilities. The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs, budget, and design challenges. It's worth trying a few different tools to see which best fits your workflow and design approach.

In-Depth Review of the Top UX And UI Design Tools


Why did we choose Figma?

Figma is a truly innovative tool that has been a game-changer in the UX and UI design worlds. Its real-time collaboration, easy-to-use interface, and extensive features have made it a go-to choice for many designers. Figma's versatility allows it to cater to various design needs, from wireframing and prototyping to creating full-fledged designs. You can convert figma designs into html css and javascript as well. 

How does Figma work?

Part 1 (The intuitive/basic stuff)

Once you log into Figma, you'll find a neat and easy-to-navigate interface. Click on the "+" sign next to the "Drafts" option, which opens a new canvas for your design.


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Figma provides various frames to choose from based on the type of UI you're designing for – be it a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Selecting a frame sets your workspace dimensions accordingly.


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You can change the background color, add shapes, and create text to customize your frame further. Figma's toolbox allows you to create various shapes and forms for your design.


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Prototyping in Figma is a breeze. If you want to create an interaction from one frame to another, switch to the "Prototype" mode, link elements to your desired frame, and define the transition details.


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A key feature of Figma is its ability to support real-time collaboration. You can share your prototype with others and enable them to view or edit it.


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Figma also allows you to rename frames to match the organization's workflow or project structure.

Part 2 (The slightly more advanced stuff)

Figma also boasts advanced features that elevate your design process. You can add gradients or color overlays to a frame or component, incorporate images into your frames with drag and drop, and use breakpoints to create responsive designs.


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One of Figma's unique features is the difference between "Create Component" and "Group Selection." Creating a component allows you to reuse that component across many frames. Any change made to that component is replicated across all instances of it. However, grouping a selection of elements does not replicate changes across similar groups in different frames.


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Pros and Cons of Figma


  • Real-time Collaboration: Figma's standout feature is its ability to support multiple users working on the same design simultaneously, which enhances productivity and teamwork.

  • Platform Independent: As it’s a cloud-based tool, you can access Figma on any system with an internet connection.

  • Component-based Design: The ability to create components and replicate changes across all instances increases design efficiency and ensures consistency.


  • Internet Dependency: Since Figma is a cloud-based tool, it requires a stable internet connection. You might experience latency issues when you work with larger files.

  • Limited Offline Capability: Figma's offline capabilities are limited. This can be a significant drawback if you're frequently in areas with poor or no internet connection.

  • Advanced Features: While Figma has a robust feature set, it may lack certain advanced features compared to other specialized tools.

Adobe XD

Why did we choose Adobe XD?

Adobe XD has been making waves in the design industry for its seamless integration with other Adobe products and powerful features. With a clean and intuitive interface, Adobe XD makes it easy for designers to create interactive prototypes. Its ability to handle complex designs and animations while maintaining a smooth performance is highly appreciated.

How does Adobe XD work?

Create a Prototype Project

When you open Adobe XD, you can choose the type of project you want to work on. For instance, you can select the iPhone 6 dimensions for an app design. You can then rename the artboard as per your preference, like "Home."

Adobe XD

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Set the Background and Header

You can customize the artboard background color from the properties panel. Additionally, you can import images to be used in your design, resize them, and even add text over them, which can be further customized in terms of font, size, and color.

Adobe XD

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Create a Content Area

Using the Rectangle tool, you can create areas for your content. You can adjust the fill color and stroke from the properties panel on the right. You can then import images and add text to this area.

Adobe XD

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Create a Content Grid

Adobe XD simplifies the process of creating grids. By selecting the elements of your content, you can click on the "Repeat Grid" button to create a grid of that content, which you can adjust and modify as needed.

Adobe XD

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Create New Pages (Artboards)

With Adobe XD, you can create multiple pages or artboards for your design. You can select the Artboard tool and choose the device template for your new page.

Adobe XD

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Set up the Project Home Page and Establish Connections

Before you start linking your pages, you have to specify a home page for your project. You can then connect your pages by selecting an element and defining the transition to the next page.

Adobe XD

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Create Interactions

Adobe XD allows you to create interactions between different elements across your artboards. This means you can set specific triggers and actions when a user interacts with a particular component of your design.

Adobe XD

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Preview and Share the Prototype

Once your prototype is ready, you can preview it directly in Adobe XD. The preview mode lets you navigate between pages and see your interactions. The software also allows you to share your prototype with others through a unique URL.

Adobe XD

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Pros and Cons of Adobe XD


  • Integration with Adobe Suite: Adobe XD integrates seamlessly with other Adobe applications like Photoshop and Illustrator.

  • Rapid Prototyping: Adobe XD offers features like Repeat Grid, which allows designers to create grids of content rapidly.

  • Auto-Animate: Adobe XD's Auto-Animate feature lets designers easily create micro-interactions within their designs.


  • Limited Collaboration: Unlike Figma, Adobe XD does not support real-time collaboration.

  • Limited Plugins: Adobe XD has fewer plugins than other design tools, which might limit the extent of customization and automation.

  • No Advanced Prototyping: While Adobe XD is great for basic and medium-fidelity prototyping, there might be better choices for advanced, high-fidelity prototyping.


Why did we choose Sketch?

Sketch has been a game-changer in the digital design industry with its vector-based approach and lightweight, easy-to-use interface. Sketch is explicitly optimized for web, iOS, and Android design. 

Compared to some of its competitors, Sketch is lightweight, with a disk space of only 45MB, which makes it a fast and responsive tool. 

As a native Mac application, it offers an intuitive user interface featuring a familiar toolbar, navigator, and inspector. This makes it an accessible tool for beginners and experienced designers alike.

How does Sketch work?

Customizing Your Toolbar

Start by personalizing your toolbar to suit your workflow. Right-click on the toolbar and select the tools you use frequently. Tools like symbols, scissors, outlines, and Round to Pixel might be handy. Refer to the screenshot below to see an example of a customized toolbar.


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Using Artboards

Artboards serve as the screens of your application. To create a new artboard, press 'A'. A list of preset screen sizes for various platforms will be available in the top-right corner. You can select any preset or create a customized size. All your application screens can exist within a single Sketch file, making managing your project easier.


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Pages in Sketch represent different platforms or resolutions. For example, you might have one page for iOS designs and another for Android. This way, you can house an entire project within a single Sketch file. You can quickly switch between pages through the dropdown or the keyboard shortcuts Fn ↑ and ↓.


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UI Templates

Sketch has preloaded UI templates for iOS, Material Design, and Responsive Web. Access these through File > New From Template. You can also add your own templates, downloaded from the web.


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Designing at 1x

When designing for iOS, it's best to start at 1x resolution, preferably using the iPhone 8 screen size as a reference (375 x 667 pt). Remember, 1 px in Sketch equals 1 pt on the device screen.

Alignment, Distances, and Guides

Sketch provides various tools to help you design with precision. Smart Guides help align your elements; the Distances feature measures the space between layers, and rulers assist in creating guides for your design.


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Layout Settings

Layout settings allow you to set up your own grid system. This is especially useful when designing for larger screens that call for clean divisions, such as web interfaces or tablet screens.

Working With Text

To add text to your design, press 'T'. The inspector lets you select the font and adjust the styles. Text styles in Sketch work similarly to CSS, which allows you to apply consistent styles across multiple text layers.


Set up your preferences according to your needs. This includes enabling Auto-Save to protect your work, adjusting Pixel Fitting for sharper designs, and setting up your preferred color and gradient palettes.

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Colors and Gradients

Use the color picker to select and save your preferred colors. Sketch also has an eyedropper tool for picking colors from anywhere within or outside the application. Similarly, you can apply gradients to your designs to add depth and visual interest.

Remember, practice is key to mastering Sketch. Explore each feature thoroughly and experiment with different tools and settings to find what works best for your design process.

Pros and Cons of Sketch


  • Lightweight and Fast: Unlike other design tools, Sketch is lightweight and occupies minimal disk space. 

  • User-friendly: Sketch is known for its intuitive interface, making it easy to learn and use.

  • Infinite Canvas: Sketch's endless canvas offers unlimited space for creativity. Thus, you can create without restrictions.

  • Artboards and Pages: The Artboards and Pages features allow you to manage your entire project within a single Sketch file. 


  • Mac Only: The Sketch app is currently available only on MacOS. This limits its user base.

  • No Real-time Collaboration: Unlike some competitors, Sketch does not offer real-time collaboration in its base version, which can be a hindrance for larger teams.

  • Plugin Dependence: Sketch relies heavily on plugins for extended functionality. While plugins can enhance the software's capabilities, they can also introduce instability or compatibility issues.

Future Trends in UX and UI Design Tools

Navigating the ever-evolving panorama of 21st-century design, we find ourselves at the intersection of cutting-edge tools, technologies, and innovative methodologies.

Trends in Ul and UX Design Tools

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Let’s have an overview of these trends: 

  1. AI and Machine Learning in Design

In the realm of design, AI and machine learning are becoming indispensable. These technologies have the potential to automate and refine the design process. 

According to a study by Pfeiffer, more than half (62%) of designers think that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are critical in their jobs. Almost four out of five (76%) believe these technologies have allowed them to be more creative. 

Joana Cerejo, a top User Experience (UX) Designer and Researcher, has named the type of design that uses AI and ML as “Confluence Design.” This name fits well because AI and UX work in similar ways. AI learns and improves by studying data, while UX keeps making products better based on what users say.

Machine learning, a subset of AI, enables iterative learning and adaptation based on user behavior, further enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of design solutions.

  1. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR are gaining traction in the design sphere. According to a report, the market size of AR and VR will reach $77 billion by 2025. These immersive technologies enable designers to create more engaging, interactive, and contextual user experiences. 

With AR and VR, the line between physical and digital realities blurs as these technologies offer users more immersive and engaging experiences.

  1. Buttonless User Interfaces

Buttonless user interfaces (UIs) are much more common than we think. Most smartphones, like iPhones, use this type of design for their settings. Instead of clicking on plus or minus buttons to change the volume or brightness, users just tap, slide, or swipe. 

“Looking to the future, the next big step will be for the very concept of the ‘device’ to go away.” 

– Sundar Pichai, Google C.E.O.

While voice seems to be a natural way to communicate, it can still feel weird when we use it with our tech assistants or smart home devices. Even though it's cool that Siri can rap, she doesn't help much in our daily lives. And while exciting technology like Neuralink is on the horizon, there's no guarantee it won't be as strange.

  1. Minimum Lovable Product (MLP)

Coined by Brian de Haaff, the concept of the Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) evolved from the classic Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach. 

Instead of rushing to market with a barely functional product, MLP emphasizes creating a product that users will love from the get-go. This approach is gaining traction, with designers focusing more on delightful user experiences than merely functional ones. It encourages designers to consider accessibility from the onset and to utilize open-source design systems and component-driven prototyping.

"Perfect is the enemy of good" 

- Voltaire

  1. Embracing Minimalism 

In an increasingly complex digital world, minimalism in design has emerged as a beacon of clarity and simplicity. According to research by the Norman Nielsen Group, users prefer simple and familiar designs. This trend towards minimalism is reflected in reducing unnecessary elements, focusing on functionality, and presenting content in a straightforward, intuitive manner.

Minimalism is about stripping away the excess and highlighting the essentials. It aims to create a seamless user experience by presenting only necessary information, enhancing readability and interaction. According to EyeQuant, clean, simple designs held users' attention for longer periods.

Designers now adopt a minimalist approach to create aesthetically pleasing interfaces, improve usability, and facilitate effortless navigation. White space, monochromatic color schemes, straightforward typography, and flat design elements are some hallmarks of minimalist design.

The rise of mobile technology also influences the growing popularity of minimalism. As screen sizes shrink, designers must focus on the essentials, reduce clutter, and promote ease of use.


The digital design landscape is constantly evolving, and as UX/UI designers, we need to keep pace with the latest tools and technologies to create innovative and user-friendly designs. This article overviews some of the top UX/UI design software currently available, each with unique strengths and features.

Sketch offers powerful vector editing and a vast plugin ecosystem. Figma shines with its robust collaboration capabilities, allowing real-time co-editing and feedback. On the other hand, Adobe XD integrates seamlessly with the Adobe Suite, which many designers are already familiar with.

However, it's important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all tool. The tool you choose should depend on your specific needs, the nature of your project, and your team's workflow. We encourage you to explore these tools and others to find what works best for you.

We would love to hear from you about your experiences with these tools. You can share your thoughts, insights, and tips in the comments section. This will not only help us but also benefit the wider design community.

Remember, this article is an evergreen resource, and we'll be updating it regularly to reflect the newest trends and tools in the UX/UI design world. So, do check back often for the latest information.

As the UX/UI design field grows, so does the demand for skilled professionals. Whether you're starting out or looking to upskill, our courses can provide the knowledge and skills you need to excel in this exciting industry.

  1. If you're new to the field, consider joining our beginner UX courses today!

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Stay creative, stay curious, and most importantly, keep designing!


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Soegaard, M. (2024, May 30). The Top UX and UI Design Tools for 2024: A Comprehensive Guide. Interaction Design Foundation - IxDF.

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