Author: Aadjan van der Helm


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 14


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Wei Liu
Pieter Jan Stappers
Gert Pasman

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Wei Liu
Caroline Hummels
Kees Overbeeke


Nierop, Onno A. van, Helm, Aadjan van der, Overbeeke, Kees, Djajadiningrat, J. P. (2008): A natural human hand model. In The Visual Computer, 24 (1) pp. 31-44.

Helm, Aadjan van der, Aprile, Walter, Keyson, David (2008): Experience Design for Interactive Products: Designing Technology Augmented Urban Playgroun. In Psychnology, 6 (2) pp. 173-188.

Keller, Ianus, Hoeben, Aldo, Helm, Aadjan van der (2006): Cabinet: merging designers\' digital and physical collections of visual materials. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 10 (2) pp. 183-186.

Hummels, Caroline, Helm, Aadjan van der (2004): ISH and the search for resonant tangible interaction. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8 (5) pp. 385-388.

Voogt, Erik de, Helm, Aadjan van der, Bronsvoort, Willem F. (2000): Ray tracing deformed generalized cylinders. In The Visual Computer, 16 (3) pp. 197-207.

Helm, Aadjan van der, Ebell, Peter, Bronsvoort, Willem F. (1998): Modelling mollusc shells with generalized cylinders. In Computers & Graphics, 22 (4) pp. 505-513.

Liu, Wei, Stappers, Pieter Jan, Pasman, Gert, Helm, Aadjan van der (2011): Demonstrating generation Y interactions through interactive prototyping. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Uniquitous Computing , 2011, . pp. 557-558.

Liu, Wei, Helm, Aadjan van der, Stappers, Pieter Jan, Aprile, Walter, Pasman, Gert, Keller, Ianus (2012): Interactive Pong: exploring ways of user inputs through prototyping with sensors. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Uniquitous Computing , 2012, . pp. 586-587.

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