Author: Aarnout C. Brombacher
Prof.Dr.Ir. A.C. Brombacher was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands on September 20th, 1961. He obtained a BSc, MSc (cum laude) in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in engineering science at Twente University of Technology. Aarnout Brombacher has experience in industrial quality and reliability improvement projects and the development of quality and reliability analysis methods and tools. He has authored and co authored over sixty papers on these subjects and has written a book with the title "Reliability by Design". Aarnout Brombacher is professor in "Quality and Reliability Management" and head of the division "Quality and Reliability Engineering" in the faculty Technology Management of Eindhoven University of Technology. He is also professor in the same field at the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of the National University of Singapore. With these chairs he is responsible for research and education in the fields:
- Quality and Reliability of (high-volume) consumer products
- Reliability and Safety in process industry
Next to his academic work professor Brombacher is Chief Editor of the journal Quality and Reliability Engineering International and, as senior scientist, connected to Philips CFT Industrial and Innovation Support (IIS). Main task of this department is research on, as well as application of new methods and techniques for quality and reliability management, quality and reliability engineering, reliability automation and robust design, especially for the early phases of the development process. Professor Brombacher is currently one of the directors of the Design Technology Instiute; a joint research institute of the National University of Singapore and Eindhoven University of Technology.
Productive Colleagues
Megens, Carl J. P. G., Peeters, Michel M. R., Hummels, Caroline, Brombacher, Aarnout C. (2012): Designing experiential probes for the wild. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 0 (0) pp. .
Gardien, Paul, Djajadiningrat, Tom, Hummels, Caroline, Brombacher, Aarnout C. (2012): Innovation paradigms: how design needs to evolve to deliver value. In International Journal of Design, 6 (3) pp. .
Koca, Aylin, Brombacher, Aarnout C. (2008): Extracting \"broken expectations\" from call center records: why and how. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 5-10, 2008, . pp. 2985-2990. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1358628.1358795
Gent, Sabine van, Hummels, Caroline, J.P.G.Megens, Carl, Peeters, Michel, Lu, Yuan, Brombacher, Aarnout C. (2011): Experiential Design Landscapes as a design tool for market research of disruptive intellig. In: Best, Kathryn, Bruce, Margaret, Buijs, Jan, Cooper, Rachel, Gemser, Gerda (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference September 7-8, 2011, Cambridge, United Kingdom. https://repository.tue.nl/719173