Author: Alicia Flanders
Productive Colleagues
Sawyer, Paul, Flanders, Alicia, Wixon, Dennis (1996): Making a Difference -- The Impact of Inspections. In: Tauber, Michael J., Bellotti, Victoria, Jeffries, Robin, Mackinlay, Jock D., Nielsen, Jakob (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 96 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 14-18, 1996, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 376-382. https://www.acm.org/sigchi/chi96/proceedings/papers/Sawyer/ps_txt.htm
Raven, Mary Beth, Flanders, Alicia (1996): Using Contextual Inquiry to Learn About Your Audiences. In ACM SIGDOC *Journal of Computer Documentation, 20 (1) pp. 1-13.