Author: Alok Chakrabarti
Research Professor
Productive Colleagues
Chakrabarti, Alok, Bhaumik, Pradip K. (2009): Internationalization of technology development in India. In Journal of Indian Business Research, 1 (1) pp. 26-38. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/17755-4195.htm
Ray, Sougata, Chakrabarti, Alok (2006): Strategic change of firms in response to economic liberalization in an emerging market eco. In International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 1 (1) pp. 20-39.
Scillitoe, Joanne L., Chakrabarti, Alok (2005): The sources of social capital within technology incubators: the roles of historical ties a. In International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 2 (4) pp. 327-345.
Chakrabarti, Alok, Santoro, Michael (2003): Building social capital and learning environment in university-industry relationships. In International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 1 (1) pp. 19-36.
Santoro, Michael, Chakrabarti, Alok (2002): Firm size and technology centrality in industry-university relationships. In Research Policy, 31 (4) pp. 1163-1180.
Santoro, Michael, Chakrabarti, Alok (2001): Corporate strategic objectives for establishing relationships with university research cen. In IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 48 (2) pp. 157-163.
III, Paul E. Bierly, Chakrabarti, Alok (2001): Dynamic knowledge strategies and Industry Fusion. In International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 3 (2) pp. .
Kessler, Eric, Chakrabarti, Alok (1999): Speeding up the pace of new product development. In Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (0) pp. 231-247.
Brockhoff, Klaus, Chakrabarti, Alok, Kirchgeorg, Manfred (1999): Corporate Strategies in Environmental Management. In Research * Technology Management, 42 (4) pp. 26-30.
Santoro, Michael, Chakrabarti, Alok (1999): Building university industry research centers: Some strategic considerations. In International Journal Management Reviews, 1 (2) pp. 225-244.
Kessler, Erich, Chakrabarti, Alok (1999): An empirical investigation into methods affecting the quality of new prodcut innovations. In International Journal of Quality Science, 3 (4) pp. 302-319.
Brockhoff, Klaus, Chakrabarti, Alok, Kirchgeorg, Manfred (1999): Corporate Strategies in Environmental Management. In Research * Technology Management, 42 (3) pp. 26-30.
Kessler, Eric, Chakrabarti, Alok (1996): Innovation speed: A conceptual model of context, antecedents, and outcomes. In Academy of Management Review, 21 (4) pp. 1143-1191.
Igbaria, Magid, Chakrabarti, Alok (1990): Computer Anxiety and Attitudes Towards Microcomputer Use. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 9 (3) pp. 229-241.